Howe Park School

01908 526294

Welcome to Nursery 

What To Expect When in the Early Years

EYFS Policy


Share a story with your child every day!

They will love to listen to you read a book. Check out the recommended books at


Welcome to Howe Park Nursery


Spring 2 - Ready Steady Grow

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 24/02/25

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 1: Jack and the Beanstalk


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own broad beans which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Counting a variety of beans or farm animals slowly, touching each object as you say the number. 
  • Observational drawings of Daffodils
  • Role play in the Farm shop and the Animal Rescue Centre
  • Learning about repeated patterns - horse - cow - horse - cow - horse - cow


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you had during half term 



Our song this week will be:


Beanstalk Growing Tall

(Sing to the tune of 'Jelly on a Plate')

(Children start curled up in a ball and start growing)

Beanstalk growing tall,

Beanstalk growing tall,


Beanstalk growing tall.


(Children reach up tall)

Reaching to the clouds,

Reaching to the clouds,

Growing taller, growing taller,

Reaching to the clouds


Our story this week will be:

Jack and the Beanstalk

Spring 1 - Once Upon A Time

This week in Nursery-

Weeks beginning 3/2/25 & 10/2/25

Week 5 & 6 : The Three Little Pigs

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:

  • We will be learning about different materials in our new topic - wood, metal, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and sorting them.
  • We will go for a walk around around the school grounds and look at the school buildings. The children will be encouraged to name familiar features such as door, window, wall, roof, garden, drainpipe, gate etc
  • We will be counting houses and putting the right number of people in each house.
  • We will be reading the "The Three Little Pigs" and encourage the children to join in with repetitive phrases from the story, including - 
  •  " Little Pig, little pig, let me come in" and "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down." 
  • Drawing pictures from the story "The Three Little Pigs."
  • Recognising the capital letter of their name and beginning to copy.
  • Writing a letter to Mummy pig to tell her about their new houses.
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3)


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Go for a walk and look at the buildings in the area. Encourage your child to describe what they can see.
  • What materials can they find in their home? (Wood, metal, glass, plastic, material.)
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  "The Three Little Pigs"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Recognise the capital letter at the beginning of their name.
  • Practise counting 1-5, 1-10 or 1-20  (20 seconds to wash hands)
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3) 


 Our story this week will be:

 The Three Little Pigs

Our song of the week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 27/01/25

Week 6: The Lunar New Year 

The Year of the Snake!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Reading a story to find out and name the 12 important animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  • Learning an action song about a Chinese Dragon.
  • Using our fine motor skills to learn how to use chop sticks or tweezers to pick up pom pom dumplings and woolly noodles. 
  • Using our cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern and a Chinese dragon.
  • Putting the right amount of gold coins in the numbered red envelopes 1-5/10
  • Learning how to move like a Chinese dragon.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5/10
  • It is the year of the snake. Find out which Chinese animal year you were born in. What do you know about the animal?
  • Look on a world map or globe to find China and Hong Kong. Also locate other places in the world you have visited. 
  • Watch a short clip online about the famous Chinese dragon dance and then make up your own. 


 Our song this week will be:


(Sing to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Dragon, dragon, dance around.

Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.

Dragon, dragon, shake your head.

Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.

Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.

Dragon, dragon, coming down the street.

Our story this week will be:

The Lunar New Year Story -

The Story of the Great Race

Image result for british council chinese new year story

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/01/25 or 20/01/25

Week 2 & 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:


  • We will build a Three Bear cottage themed role play area in our outdoor wooden house.
  • Size ordering - Large, Medium & Small Bowls, 3 Chairs, 3 Beds and 3 different sized bears.
  • Construction - Build a new chair for baby bear.
  • Junk Modelling - Build the Three Bears cottage from a shoebox
  • Sequencing pictures of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • Different sizes of bowls, cups, spoons, funnels & bottles to explore capacity in the sand & water area.
  • Writing a sorry letter to the Three Bears from Goldilocks.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  - "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."
  • Find different size bowls, spoons, cups etc and order large, medium & small.
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Practise counting 1-5  or 1-10 


Our story this week will be: 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Happy New Year - 2025

Welcome to all our new nursery children.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 07/1/25

Week 1 : Winter

Our story this week will be:

Winter is here!


Our Song this week will be:

Five Little Snowmen

Autumn 2

Topic - Sparkle & Shine

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 9/12/24 & 16/12/24

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 6 & 7- Celebrating Christmas

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Final Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance -
  • Dress rehearsal - Monday 9th December 
  • Nursery performance - Thursday 12th December 9.20am
  •                           Friday 13th December 9.20am
  • Nursery children to arrive dressed in their Christmas jumper or dress to Nursery for 8.45am
  • Parents to walk round to the Main School Entrance and take a seat in the School Hall 
  • Looking at shiny and non shiny materials.
  • Making invitations for a Christmas party.
  • Mark Making Christmas Cards
  • Looking at toy catalogues for a Christmas present for a friend
  • Learning to use the role play toy shop to buy a toy for a friend
  • Counting gold coins to buy toys in the shop
  • Creating a Christmas gift bag
  • Writing name on a Christmas Card 
  • Final Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - The Story of the First Christmas.
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns in Christmas cards to their friends.  

 Our Story this week will be - The Christmas Story

Song of the week - We wish you a Merry Christmas!

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 25/11/24 & 2/12/24

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 4 & 5 - Celebrating Birthdays

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Talking about different celebrations especially Birthdays
  • Making invitations for a birthday party.
  • Mark Making Birthday Cards
  • Looking at toy catalogues for a birthday present for a friend
  • Learning to use the role play toy shop to buy a toy for a friend
  • Counting gold coins to buy toys in the shop
  • Painting papier-mâché stars 
  • Investigating shapes - Can you find a 2-D (flat) shape on a 3-D (solid) shape?
  • Creating a Christmas Card and Calendar
  • Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - Kipper's Birthday
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 

Our Story this week will be - 

Kipper's Birthday

Songs of the week -

 "A Bundle of Joy"  and  "World Nursery Rhymes"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 18/11/24

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 3 - Celebrations  

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Looking at toy catalogues and writing a letter to send to Father Christmas.
  • Posting the Father Christmas Letters.
  • Learning to use the Howe Park Post Office
  • Talking about different celebrations - Diwali, Bonfire Night, Birthdays, Christmas
  • Woodland walk in the Howe Park School grounds.
  • Going on a leaf hunt in the nursery playground and discussing why leaves change colours in Autumn.
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf wand.
  • Counting 5 or 10  natural objects using conkers, pinecones & acorns.
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - Little Glow
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 


Our story this week will be:

Little Glow by Katie Sahota

Songs of the week -

 "A Bundle of Joy"  and  "World Nursery Rhymes"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/11/24 & 11/11/24

Topic: Autumn 

Week 1 & 2 : 

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Woodland walk in the Howe Park School grounds.
  • Going on a leaf hunt in the nursery playground and discussing why leaves change colours in Autumn.
  • Showing their Autumn treasure bags to the class and sorting the leaves, conkers, acorns etc
  • Painting & decorating Diwali Pots.
  • Learning more about the celebration of Diwali.
  • Making Autumn leaf windsocks, leaf crowns or leaf wreaths. 
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man 
  • Designing & making Firework rockets
  • Printing Firework Pictures
  • Counting to 5 or 10 and using conkers, pinecones & acorns to practise counting objects. 
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the stories of the week  "Leaf Man" and  "We are Going on a Leaf Hunt"
  • Help your child to learn the song "Autumn leaves are falling down"
  • Begin to learn the Christmas songs
  • Help your child to have fun practicing their writing patterns. 


Our stories for the next two weeks will be:

" Leaf Man" and "We're going on a leaf hunt"

Song of the Week -

Autumn Leaves are falling down

Autumn Half Term Fun - Make an Autumn Treasure Bag

Enjoy looking for autumn changes in the park or Howe Park Wood. Please let your child collect and fill a bag with Autumn Treasures – colourful leaves, pine cones, conkers, acorns and sticks that they can bring into Nursery. Have Fun Collecting!

Autumn 1 

Why do you love me so much?

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 21/10/24

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 7 : People who help us!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talk about the visit from the Paediatric nurse Sister Hill who told us all about being a nurse and what its like to visit a hospital.
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us 
  • Learning the parts of the body 
  • Talking about our " All about me" booklets our parents completed with us  
  • Using the maths language, tall and short when measuring each other
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 
  • Beginning to think about autumn and the changes we will see in the environment.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people who help us do and role play.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the people who help us in the story "People who help us" & "Emergency" by M.Mayo
  • Help your child to learn the song "People who help us"

Our stories this week will be about People who help us

Our Song this week -

People Who Help Us

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 7/10/24 & 14/10/24

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 5 & 6 : All about Me!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • A visit from a nurse to talk about how she looks after children in hospital
  • Learning parts of the body 
  • Painting self portraits
  • Thinking about what our marvellous bodies can do
  • Using the maths language, smallest and largest when measuring feet & hands
  • Thinking about the different things we do in the day and ordering them
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic  

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people in your family do. 
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery 
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the feelings in the story "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain
  • Help your child to learn the song "If You're Happy and You Know"

 Our Story this week will be:

"The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain

Our songs this week will be: 

"If You're Happy and You Know it!"

and "This is me!"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 30/09/24

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 4 : Babies

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Thinking about what is needed to be a good listener. 
  • Looking at objects used to look after a baby 
  • Exploring how baby toys work
  • Designing and printing a babygro for a baby
  • Looking after the babies in our role play area.
  • Matching animal babies to their parents
  • Joining in with and taking responsibility for tidying up the different areas of nursery. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Look at photographs of your child as a baby. Can they talk about how they changed?
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Retell the story "There's a house inside my mummy"
  • Help your child to learn the Finger Family Song. 

Our story this week will be:

 There's a HOUSE inside my MUMMY by Giles Andreae


Our song this week will be:

Finger Family Song

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 23/09/24

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 3 : Families


This week we will be:

  • getting to know each other. My name is ...
  • learning good listening skills and how we put our hands up to speak when in a group.
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outdoor area.
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it. 
  • learning the rhyme "I wriggle my fingers"
  • learning the song "Put your finger on your lips"
  • listening to the story "Owl Babies"
  • looking at our family photos and talking about who is in our family.  


Our rhyme / song this week will be:


I wriggle my fingers,

I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders,

I wriggle nose,

Now there are no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.


Our Song this week will be:

Wind the bobbin up!

Our story this week will be:

Owl Babies

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 16/09/24

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 2 : All About Me!

This week we will:

  • Be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • Begin to look at the Howe Park Nursery " All about me" booklet you completed with your child.
  • Sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • Talking about our "Star board" and how we celebrate the children's achievements at nursery and at home.
  • Learning our "Tidy up time Song" and the "Wake Up Shake Up" song
  • Listen to a story - 
  • Talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack.


At home you could:

  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song  and Wake up Shake up Song. 
  • Complete your child's Howe Park Nursery booklet - "All about me"
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.


0ur rhyme / song this week will be:

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips and seal it like a zip,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips.

Tune: If you're happy and you know it


 Our story this week will be:

Spot loves Nursery

Induction times for new nursery children - September 2024

Tuesday 3rd September - Inset Day - Home visits for new children - 1pm-3pm

Wednesday 4th September - Inset Day

Thursday 5th September - Welcome back to our old Nursery Children! 

Friday 6th September  - New Children visit nursery with their parents -

Group A- 45 minutes - 9.15am - 10am

Group B - 45 minutes - 10.30am - 11.15am


Week beginning 09/09/24 - Week 1 Nursery Induction -

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday 9th September - New Nursery Children - Settling in without a parent 

Group A- 1 hour session - ( 9am - 10am )

Group B - 1 hour session - ( 10.15 - 11.15am )


Tuesday 10th September - New Nursery Children -Settling in without a parent 

Group A - 2 Hours - ( 9am to 11am )

Group B - Home


Wednesday 11th September  - New Nursery Children -Settling in without a parent 

Group A - Home

Group B - 2 Hours - ( 9am to 11am )

Home visits for new children - 1pm-3pm


Thursday 12th September - New Nursery Children -Settling in without a parent 

Group A - 3 hour session ( 8.45am - 11.45am ) 

Group B - Home


Friday 13th September - New Nursery Children  - Settling in without a parent

Group A - Home

Group B - 3 hour session  ( 8.45am - 11.45am ) 


Monday 16th September - New Nursery Children  - Settling in without a parent

Group A - 3 hour session  (8.45am to 11.45am) 

Group B - 3 hour session  (8.45am to 11.45am) 


 If 30 hours nursery required it starts on Monday 16th September -

11.45am to 2.45pm - Afternoon sessions 

2.45pm - 3.10pm - After Nursery Club


This week we will:

  • be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • talking about our "Star board" and how we celebrate the children's achievements at nursery and at home.
  • learning our Tidy up time Song and Wake up Shake up Song
  • listen to a story.
  • talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack. 


At home you could:

  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song  and Wake up Shake up Song. 
  • Complete your child's Howe Park Nursery booklet - All about me
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.


With your child at home this week you could: 

Watch the videos for the "Tidy Up Time" Song and "Wake Up Shake Up" Song

Summer Term 2 -  "On the Beach"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 8/7/24 & 15/7/24 

Week 6 & 7 - Seas and Oceans

We will be learning that when people leave litter, it can harm wildlife in the seas and all around us. So it is important to put litter in the bin and keep things tidy to keep animals that live in our local environment and worldwide safe.

 Our story this week will be:

"Somebody swallowed Stanley"

Our song this week will be:

Narhwal - A Nursery Rhyme about

sea creature friends cleaning the sea

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 24/6/24 & 1/7/24

Weeks 4 & 5- Who lives on the seashore?


 Our story this week will be:

Who's hiding at the seaside?

Our songs this week will be:

1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • The seashore is an area of sandy, stony or rocky land bordering and level with the sea.
  • Leaving litter on beaches can potentially kill living things.
  • Learning about crabs, starfish, anemones, mussels, barnacles and periwinkles and seabirds.
  • Learning that rock pools or tide pools are shallow pools of seawater that form on the rocky part of the seashore. Many of these pools only appear at low tide.
  • Rock pools are habitats for many animals, such as starfish, crabs, anemones, mussels, barnacles and periwinkles.
  • Where is the starfish? Using positional language - under, over, in, on, behind, in front of, next to locate where the Starfish is hiding in the rockpool.
  • Compare quantities of shells using language 'more than' and 'less than'
  • Sports Day practise - learning to take part in team races.
  • Count and clap syllables using beach words.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 
  • Make Making passports, plane tickets, food orders in the beach cafe and ice cream parlor.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the positional language when playing 'Where is the bear?'  - in, on, under, up, down, between, beside, next to, behind, in front of etc
  • Writing numbers 0-5 
  • Practise name writing. Let your child look at their name card and then write their name on paper. Check their name card to see if they have written the correct lowercase letters in their name. Remember they only need a capital letter at the beginning of their name - eg Anna, James


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 17/06/24

Week 3 - What can you do at the beach?


 Our story this week will be:

Lucy and Tom at the Seaside

 Our song this week will be:

The Waves in the Sea

(sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)

The waves in the sea go,
Up and down, (make a rolling wave by moving one hand up and down)
Up and down,
Up and down,
The waves in the sea go,
Up and down,
All day long.

The sharks in the sea go,
Snap, snap, snap… (hold two hands together, joined at the wrist, to form a mouth, snap open and shut)

The fish in the sea go,
Swish, swish, swish… (swim hands around as fish)

The crabs in the sea go
Click, click, click… (click fingers)

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Art Week -Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves using blue, green and white paint. Also making collages of the sea with torn paper and different textures of material.
  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did.
  • Exploring what you can see on the beach
  • Investigating dry and damp sand.
  • Making a passport and airline ticket
  • Setting up our indoor role play areas - Howe Park International Airport 
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the maths language - sides, corners, straight, flat, round when describing 2-D and 3-D shapes

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 10/6/24 

Week 2 - What can you do at the beach?


 Our story this week will be:

Hey Duggee - A Day At The Beach


Our song this week will be:

"Oh I do like to beside the seaside!"

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did. 
  • Creating an outdoor reading den with baskets of books for the children to look at independently.
  • Exploring what you can do at the beach.
  • Investigating dry and damp sand.
  • Writing a postcard.
  • Setting up our outdoor role play areas - Ice cream parlour and Beach cafe
  • Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/6/24

Week 1 - What can you see in the summer?

 Our book this week will be:

What can you see in Summer?

Our songs this week will be:

Incy Wincy Spider

Here is the Beehive

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did. 
  • Finding out about the season of Summer.
  • Looking at summer changes in our nursery outdoor environment.
  • Minibeasts in our nursery outdoor environment.
  • Creating a summer reading den with baskets of books for the children to look at independently.
  • Setting up our outdoor role play areas - Ice cream parlour and Beach cafe
  • Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.

Take a walk in the local environment or visit the local park.

During the walk, talk about how the environment has changed throughout the year and point out how the trees have changed and look at the flowers that are blooming.

Explain that the local environment is home to lots of living things, including plants and trees, and see if you can spot any animals, such as bumblebees, butterflies or ladybirds.

Give your child a container to collect 'treasures' on their walk and take photos of your child during the walk to bring into nursery.

Summer Term 1 - "Let's Explore"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/5/24 & 20/5/24


Week 5 & 6 : "Exploring the world around us!"


Our story this week will be:

Mr Gumpy's Outing

Our song this week will be:

Row,row,row your boat

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Sharing the story Mr Gumpy's outing. We will encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains from the story.
  • "Where you have been?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the world. They can share their pictures, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did.
  • Learn about a globe and a world map. Explain that it shows the Earth where we live. We will point out countries that children have visited.
  • Creating an explorers reading den with baskets of books on the theme of adventures or travel for the children to look at independently.
  • Exploring animals from around the world and creating small worlds for the animals to live in.
  • Learning to colour mix - blue and red make purple.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Counting natural objects in the garden or park - stones, leaves, petals, sticks etc


This week in Nursery- Weeks beginning 29/4/24 and 7/5/24

Week 3 & 4 : "Exploring Our Environment"


Our story this week will be:

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Our song this week will be:

The bear went over the mountain

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Sharing the story We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We will encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains from the story.
  • Display the Bear hunt picture cards and ask the children to put them in the order in which they feature in the story. Think of actions for each part of the story and then retell the story using the picture cards and actions.
  • Going on a sound walk around the nursery and outside area. We will explain that it is important that they are quiet during the walk so they can hear different sounds. 
  • Share the story The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. Explore the emotions the children feel throughout the story. Encourage the children to talk about times they have felt sad, angry, happy, scared or excited and how it made them feel.
  • Learning to colour mix - yellow and red make orange
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers 
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when moving outside
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week. 
  • Talking about favorite activities at home and nursery.
  • Use "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 22/4/24

 Week 2 : "Exploring our Nursery environment" 


Our story this week will be:

Where's Spot?

Our song this week will be:

It's raining, it's pouring!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our weekend news.
  • Treasure Hunt  -Exploring the nursery environment - indoor & outdoor using clues.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when moving outside
  • Discussing favourite areas of nursery and where the children feel happy.
  • Learning to colour mix - yellow and red make orange.
  • Finding out about St Georges Day
  • Showing the right number of objects to match the numeral up to 5 / 10 
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Talking about favourite activities at home and nursery.
  • Look for a rainbow of natural colours - red petals, green leaves, etc
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 16/4/24 

Week 1 : "Exploring how many colours are in a rainbow?"


Our song this week will be:

"I can sing a rainbow"

Our story this week will be:

"Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Talking about our holiday news.
  • Learning about different types of weather - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy, thunder etc
  • When do you see a rainbow?
  • Painting a rainbow - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple (Indigo, Violet)
  • Finding a rainbow of natural colours in the outdoor area. 
  • Writing their name on a their pictures.
  • Show finger numbers up to 5 when singing counting rhymes
  • Say one number for each item in order 1,2,3,4,5
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when climbing outside.
  • Finding out about the Muslim festival of Eid.
  • With your child at home this week you could:
  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Use the Signs of Spring Checklist when you go on walks.
  • Look for a rainbow of natural colours - red petals, green leaves, etc
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.   


Spring / Easter Holiday Activities

  • Go on a spring walk and take photographs of the signs of spring.
  • Make a weather diary to observe how the weather changes.
  • Visit a pond and look for signs of new life, such as ducklings and frogspawn.
  • Visit again over time to observe changes.


Spring 2 - Ready Steady Grow


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 25/03/24

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 5 : Easter


Our story this week will be: We're Going on an Egg Hunt!

Our song this week will be: Hot Cross Buns

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Making a repeating pattern with coloured eggs.
  • Creating an Easter card and writing their name in the message.
  • Enjoying an Easter egg hunt using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Finding out about the Christian Celebration of Easter.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Use the Signs of Spring Checklist when you go on walks over the Easter holidays.
  • Enjoy an Easter egg hunt over the Easter holidays and count how many eggs you find. 
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the Easter holidays.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 18/03/24

Week 4 : Growing seeds 

Our story this week will be:

Our song this week will be:

Days of the Week Song


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jaspers Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Days of the week
  • Observing the grow of their beans plants
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own sunflower seeds which they will watch grow over the next term.
  • Repeated patterns with coloured eggs in egg boxes
  • Rolling a dice and counting out the correct amount of beans.
  • Making Easter / Spring cards and writing their names. Then using the Post Office to buy a stamp.
  • Role play in the Fruit & Veg Store or The Giant's Castle from Jack & the Beanstalk.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the book language before reading a story - Front cover, Back cover, Spine, Author, Illustrator
  • Making patterns at home - square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle etc.
  • Mark make, write letters from your name or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers 1,2,3,4,5 around the home.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you had at the weekend. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 11.03.24 

Topic: Ready Steady Grow!

Week 3 : Are eggs alive?


Our story this week will be:

The Odd Egg

Our song this week will be:

Five little ducks went swimming one day

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Watching video to see eggs hatching into chicks.
  •  "Where do eggs come from?" The lifecycle of a chicken.
  • How do the cooked egg and the raw egg look different?  
  • The children will see an egg cracked open and look at a raw egg. They will see what the egg looks like inside.
  • The children will look at a whole boiled egg and discuss how it is different from the raw egg. 
  • Role play in the Farm shop and also the Giant's Castle in Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • Making Easter Chick Cards.
  • Learning about repeated patterns.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Look at eggs in different states - raw, boiled and scrambled. Use new vocabulary to describe - runny, solid, sticky, smooth, clear, white, yellow. 
  • Talk about the lifecycle of a chicken from the hen laying an egg, the egg hatching, a chick and an adult chicken.
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.   



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 04/03/24

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 2: Jack and the Beanstalk


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own broad beans which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Counting a variety of farm animals slowly, touching each object as you say the number. 
  • Observational drawings of Daffodils
  • Meeting Foundation's Chicks and holding them.
  • Book Day on Thursday 7th March.
  • Making Mother's Day Cards.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house. 

Our song this week will be:


Beanstalk Growing Tall

(Sing to the tune of 'Jelly on a Plate')

(Children start curled up in a ball and start growing)

Beanstalk growing tall,

Beanstalk growing tall,


Beanstalk growing tall.


(Children reach up tall)

Reaching to the clouds,

Reaching to the clouds,

Growing taller, growing taller,

Reaching to the clouds


Our story this week will be:

Jack and the Beanstalk


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 26/02/24

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 1: The Farm


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Naming the farm animals as well as finding out where they live on the farm and what they eat.
  • Making patterns with the farm animals - sheep,cow,sheep,cow.
  • Building a farm building using wooden blocks or junk modelling.
  • Printing animal tracks using the farm animals hooves in brown paint.
  • Making animal sounds in animal lotto game 
  • Drawing Farm animals 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you had during half term 


Our stories this week will be: 


Noisy Farm by Rod Campbell


  Farmyard Hullabaloo by Giles Andreae

Image result for farmyard hullabaloo


 Our song this week will be:


Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some cows
Ee i ee i oh
With a moo-moo here
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

And on his farm he had some chicks
Ee i ee i o
With a cluck-cluck here
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck
Everywhere a cluck-cluck

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some pigs
Ee i ee i o
With an oink-oink here
And an oink-oink there
Here an oink, there an oink
Everywhere an oink-oink
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

Spring 1 - Once Upon A Time

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 12/02/24

Week 6: The Lunar New Year 

The Year of the Dragon!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Reading a story to find out and name the 12 important animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  • Learning an action song about a Chinese Dragon.
  • Using our fine motor skills to learn how to use chop sticks or tweezers to pick up pom pom dumplings and woolly noodles. 
  • Using our cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern and a Chinese dragon.
  • Putting the right amount of gold coins in the numbered red envelopes 1-5/10
  • Learning how to move like a Chinese dragon.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5/10
  • It is the year of the dragon. Find out which Chinese animal year you were born in. What do you know about the animal?
  • Look on a world map or globe to find China and Hong Kong. Also locate other places in the world you have visited. 
  • Watch a short clip online about the famous Chinese dragon dance and then make up your own. 


 Our song this week will be:

(Sing to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Dragon, dragon, dance around.

Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.

Dragon, dragon, shake your head.

Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.

Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.

Dragon, dragon, coming down the street.

Our story this week will be:

The Lunar New Year Story -

The Story of the Great Race


Image result for british council chinese new year story

This week in Nursery-

Weeks beginning 29/1/24 & 5/2/24

Week 4 & 5 : The Three Little Pigs

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:

  • We will be learning about different materials in our new topic - wood, metal, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and sorting them.
  • We will go for a walk around around the school grounds and look at the school buildings. The children will be encouraged to name familiar features such as door, window, wall, roof, garden, drainpipe, gate etc
  • We will be counting houses and putting the right number of people in each house.
  • We will be reading the "The Three Little Pigs" and encourage the children to join in with repetitive phrases from the story, including - 
  •  " Little Pig, little pig, let me come in" and "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down." 
  • Drawing pictures from the story "The Three Little Pigs."
  • Recognising the capital letter of their name and beginning to copy.
  • Writing a letter to Mummy pig to tell her about their new houses.
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3)


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Go for a walk and look at the buildings in the area. Encourage your child to describe what they can see.
  • What materials can they find in their home? (Wood, metal, glass, plastic, material.)
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  "The Three Little Pigs"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Recognise the capital letter at the beginning of their name.
  • Practise counting 1-5, 1-10 or 1-20  (20 seconds to wash hands)
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3) 


 Our story this week will be: The Three Little Pigs

Our song this week will be: Poor Three Little Pigs

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 15/01/24 or 22/01/24

Week 2 & 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:


  • We will build a Three Bear cottage themed role play area in our outdoor wooden house.
  • Size ordering - Large, Medium & Small Bowls, 3 Chairs, 3 Beds and 3 different sized bears.
  • Construction - Build a new chair for baby bear.
  • Junk Modelling - Build the Three Bears cottage from a shoebox
  • Sequencing pictures of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • Different sizes of bowls, cups, spoons, funnels & bottles to explore capacity in the sand & water area.
  • Writing a sorry letter to the Three Bears from Goldilocks.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  - "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."
  • Find different size bowls, spoons, cups etc and order large, medium & small.
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Practise counting 1-5  or 1-10 


Our story this week will be: 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Our Song this week 

Happy New Year - 2024

Welcome to all our new nursery children.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 08/1/24

Week 1 : Winter

Our story this week will be:

Winter is here!


Our Song this week will be:

Five Little Snowmen

Autumn 2 Topic - Sparkle and Shine


Our Christmas Performance 2023 will be

"Come to the Manger"

To help your child learn the Christmas songs over the next four weeks, we will send a copy of the words home and this is a link to the tunes from the nativity play "Come to the Manger"



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 17/12/23 

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 8 - Celebrating Christmas

**************Timetable for Christmas week**************


Monday - Writing Christmas Cards and completing Christmas Gifts.

Tuesday - Christmas Stay & Play - 8.45am to 11.00am Parents stay and help to make                                                                                                      Christmas Crafts with your child.

Wednesday - Christmas Jumper Day - Donation for Charity

                     Christmas Packed Lunch - Add a Christmas treat to your lunch box!

Thursday - Christmas Party - Children will bring home their Christmas Gifts.

Friday - Christmas Cbeebies Pantomime


Nursery Christmas Stay and Play

Nursery would like to invite you to our Christmas Stay and Play on -

Tuesday 19th December - 9.30am to 11.30 am

The children will take part in some special Christmas art activities with your help. They will be able to make -

  • Decorate a Christmas Biscuit
  • Decorate a Christmas Decoration
  • Christmas Paperchains
  • Snowman paper plate mask 
  • Decorate a crown for the Christmas party on Thursday 

Each child in nursery will be entitled to make one of each of the 4 activities to take home for Christmas on the Stay and Play morning.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/12/23 & 11/12/23

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 6 & 7- Celebrating Christmas

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Final Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance -
  • Dress rehearsal - Wednesday 13th December 
  • Nursery performance - Thursday 14th December 9.30am
  • Nursery children to arrive dressed in the clothes they will wear under their costume - 8.45am
  • Parents to walk round to the Main School Entrance and take a seat in the School Hall 
  • Looking at shiny and non shiny materials.
  • Making invitations for a Christmas party.
  • Mark Making Christmas Cards
  • Looking at toy catalogues for a Christmas present for a friend
  • Learning to use the role play toy shop to buy a toy for a friend
  • Counting gold coins to buy toys in the shop
  • Creating a Christmas gift bag
  • Writing name on a Christmas Card 
  • Final Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - The Story of the First Christmas.
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns in Christmas cards to their friends.  


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/11/23 & 27/11/23

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 4 & 5 - Celebrating Birthdays

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Talking about different celebrations especially Birthdays
  • Making invitations for a birthday party.
  • Mark Making Birthday Cards
  • Looking at toy catalogues for a birthday present for a friend
  • Learning to use the role play toy shop to buy a toy for a friend
  • Counting gold coins to buy toys in the shop
  • Painting papier-mâché stars 
  • Investigating shapes - Can you find a 2-D (flat) shape on a 3-D (solid) shape?
  • Creating a Christmas Card and Calendar
  • Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - Kipper's Birthday
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 

 Our Christmas Performance Songs this week will be:


 4.Shining Brightly!

Shining brightly

Pointing so politely

Lightening up the way

Shining brightly

Pointing so politely

Guide us here today


Dance Interlude – Stars


Shining brightly

Pointing so politely

Lightening up the way


Pointing so politely

Guide us here today


5.Hee- Haw, Hee- Haw!

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

We’ve a special Baby

To breathe over and to keep warm

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

We’ve a special Baby to keep warm


Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

Moo-moo, Moo –moo!

We’ve a special Baby

To breathe over and to keep warm

Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

Moo-moo, Moo –moo!

We’ve a special Baby to keep warm


Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

We’ve a special Baby

To breathe over and to keep warm

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

We’ve a special Baby to keep warm

Our story this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/11/23

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 3 - Celebrations  

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Looking at toy catalogues and writing a letter to send to Father Christmas.
  • Posting the Father Christmas Letters.
  • Learning to use the Howe Park Post Office
  • Talking about different celebrations - Diwali, Bonfire Night, Birthdays, Christmas
  • Woodland walk in the Howe Park School grounds.
  • Going on a leaf hunt in the nursery playground and discussing why leaves change colours in Autumn.
  • Making Autumn leaf windsocks or leaf wreaths. 
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man 
  • Counting 5 or 10  natural objects using conkers, pinecones & acorns.
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - Little Glow
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 

 Our Christmas Performance Songs this week will be:

1.Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Visit the King!

Come to the manger

Welcome the little one 

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!

Come to the manger

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Visit the King!

Come to the manger

Welcome the little one 

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!


2. Celebrate!



Twinkled the shining stars



Celebrate with us!




Twinkled the shining stars



Celebrate with us!




Twinkled the shining stars



Celebrate with us!


3. Little Lamb


Little lamb says

Let’s go and meet the Baby

Little lamb says

Let’s go and bleat

Little lamb says

Let’s go and greet the Baby

Bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat!


Little lamb says

Let’s go and meet the Baby

Little lamb says

Let’s go and bleat

Little lamb says

Let’s go and greet the Baby

Bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat!


Our story this week will be:

Little Glow by Katie Sahota

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 31/10/23 & 6/11/23

Topic: Autumn 

Week 1 & 2 : 

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Woodland walk in the Howe Park School grounds.
  • Going on a leaf hunt in the nursery playground and discussing why leaves change colours in Autumn.
  • Showing their Autumn treasure bags to the class and sorting the leaves, conkers, acorns etc
  • Painting & decorating Diwali Pots.
  • Learning more about the celebration of Diwali.
  • Making Autumn leaf windsocks, leaf crowns or leaf wreaths. 
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man 
  • Designing & making Firework rockets
  • Printing Firework Pictures
  • Counting to 5 or 10 and using conkers, pinecones & acorns to practise counting objects. 
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the stories of the week  "Leaf Man" and  "We are Going on a Leaf Hunt"
  • Help your child to learn the song "Autumn leaves are falling down"
  • Begin to learn the Christmas songs
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 


Our stories for the next two weeks will be:

" Leaf Man" and "We're going on a leaf hunt"

Song of the Week -

Autumn Leaves are falling down

Autumn Half Term Fun - Make an Autumn Treasure Bag

Enjoy looking for autumn changes in the park or Howe Park Wood. Please let your child collect and fill a bag with Autumn Treasures – colourful leaves, pine cones, conkers, acorns and sticks that they can bring into Nursery. Have Fun Collecting!

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 16/10/23

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 7 : People who help us!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • A visit from a paediatric nurse to find out about being a nurse and hospital visits.
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us 
  • Learning the parts of the body 
  • Talking about our " All about me" booklets our parents completed with us  
  • Using the maths language, tall and short when measuring each other
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 
  • Beginning to think about autumn and the changes we will see in the environment.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people who help us do and role play.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the people who help us in the story "People who help us" & "Emergency" by M.Mayo
  • Help your child to learn the song "People who help us"

Our stories this week will be:

Emergency! By Margaret Mayo

Our Song this week -

People who help us

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 2/10/23 & 9/10/23

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 5 & 6: Myself

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Looking at and talking about the Children's Photos in their " All About Me Booklets"
  • Learning parts of the body 
  • Painting or drawing self portraits
  • Looking at and talking about the Children's Photos in their " All About Me Booklets" 
  • Thinking about what our marvellous bodies can do
  • Using the maths language, smallest and largest when measuring feet & hands
  • Thinking about the different things we do in the day and ordering them
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic  

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people in your family do. 
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the feelings in the story "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain & "Love Monster"
  • Help your child to learn the songs  "If You're Happy and You Know" &  "This is me"
  • Help your child to learn the song "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes"


 Our Stories this week will be:

"The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain & 

"Love Monster" 

Our song this week will be: 

"If You're Happy and You Know it!"

and "This is me!"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 25/09/23

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 4 : Babies

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Thinking about what is needed to be a good listener. 
  • Looking at objects used to look after a baby 
  • Exploring how baby toys work
  • Designing and printing a babygro for a baby
  • Looking after the babies in our role play area.
  • Matching animal babies to their parents
  • Joining in with and taking responsibility for tidying up the different areas of nursery. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Look at photographs of your child as a baby. Can they talk about how they changed?
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Retell the story "There's a house inside my mummy"
  • Help your child to learn the Finger Family Song. 

Our story this week will be:

 There's a HOUSE inside my MUMMY by Giles Andreae


Our rhyme / song this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 18/09/23

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 3 : Families


This week we will be:

  • getting to know each other. My name is ...
  • learning good listening skills and how we put our hands up to speak when in a group.
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outdoor area.
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it. 
  • learning the rhyme "I wriggle my fingers"
  • learning the song "Put your finger on your lips"
  • listening to the story "Owl Babies"
  • looking at our family photos and talking about who is in our family.  


Our rhyme / song this week will be:


I wriggle my fingers,

I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders,

I wriggle nose,

Now there are no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.


Our story this week will be:

Owl Babies


At home you could:

  • Help your child to learn the rhyme - " I wriggle my fingers" and the song -  "Put your finger on your lips"
  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song and the "Wake up shake up" songs 
  • Remind your child to say when they need the toilet and always wash their hands.
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc. 

Week 2 - Nursery Induction -

Week beginning 11/09/23

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday- Nursery session - 3 hours (8.45am - 11.45pm) Group A

Tuesday- Nursery session - 3 hours (8.45am - 11.45pm) Group B

Wednesday - Nursery Full Session - 3 hours (8.45am - 11.45pm)

Thursday - Nursery  Full Session-3 hours (8.45am - 11.45pm)

Friday-  Nursery Full Session -3 hours (8.45am - 11.45pm)


Week 2 -

This week we will:

  • Be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • Begin to look at the Howe Park Nursery " All about me" booklet you completed with your child.
  • Sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • Talking about our "Star board" and how we celebrate the children's achievements at nursery and at home.
  • Learning our "Tidy up time Song" and the "Wake Up Shake Up" song
  • Listen to a story - 
  • Talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack.


At home you could:

  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song  and Wake up Shake up Song. 
  • Complete your child's Howe Park Nursery booklet - All about me
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.


0ur rhyme / song this week will be:

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips and seal it like a zip,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips.

Tune: If you're happy and you know it

 Our story this week will be:

Spot loves Nursery

Induction times for new nursery children.

Friday 1st September 

New Children visit nursery with their parents -

Group A- 30 minutes - 9.15am - 9.45am

Group B - 30 minutes - 10am - 10.30am


Week beginning 4/09/23 - Week 1 Nursery Induction -

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday 4th September - Inset Day


Tuesday 5th September

8.40 - 8.45am to 11.45am - 12pm Welcome back to our old Nursery Children! 

11.45 to 2.45pm - Afternoon sessions starts

2.45 - 3.10pm - After Nursery Club

Homevisits for new children - 1pm-3pm

Wednesday 7th September - New Nursery Children - Settling in without a parent 

Group A - 1 hour session (9.15am - 10.15am) 

Group B - 1 hour session (10.30am - 11.30am)

Homevisits for new children - 1pm-3pm


Thursday 7th September - New Nursery Children -Settling in without a parent 

Group A - 2 hour session (9.30am - 11.30am) 


Friday 8th September - New Nursery Children  - Settling in without a parent

Group B - 2 hour session  (9.30am - 11.30am)


Monday 11th  September - New Nursery Children  - Settling in without a parent

Group A - 3 hour session  (8.45am to 11.45am) 


Tuesday 12th September - New Nursery Children  - Settling in without a parent

Group B - 3 hour session  (8.45am to 11.45am) 


Wednesday 13th September - New Nursery Children  - Settling in without a parent

Groups A & B - 3 hour session  (8.45am to 11.45am) 


This week we will:

  • be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • talking about our "Star board" and how we celebrate the children's achievements at nursery and at home.
  • learning our Tidy up time Song and Wake up Shake up Song
  • listen to a story.
  • talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack. 


At home you could:

  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song  and Wake up Shake up Song. 
  • Complete your child's Howe Park Nursery booklet - All about me
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.


With your child at home this week you could: 

Watch the videos for the "Tidy Up Time" Song

and "Wake Up Shake Up" Song

Welcome to Howe Park Nursery

2022 -2023

Summer Term 2 -  "On the Beach"

Please help your child learn the song " Going to the seaside today" for the final whole school assembly on the last day of term. Thank you.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 10/7/23 & 17/7/23

Weeks 6 & 7 - Seas and Oceans

We will be learning that when people leave litter, it can harm wildlife in the seas and all around us. So it is important to put litter in the bin and keep things tidy to keep animals that live in our local environment and worldwide safe.

Our story of the week -

Someone Swallowed Stanley

Our song this week will be:

Narhwal - A nursery rhyme about sea creature friends cleaning the sea

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Leaving litter on beaches can potentially kill marine life.
  • World Ocean Day raises awareness about the plants and animals that live in the seas and oceans.
  • The ocean is the body of salt water that covers over two thirds of the surface of the Earth.
  • Marine animals are animals that live in the seas or oceans.
  • Fish use their gills for breathing in the water.
  • Fish use their tails for swimming.
  • Fish use their fins to keep them upright.
  • Fish have scales to protect their bodies and help them to swim.
  • An aquarium is a transparent water tank in which water creatures and plants live.


  • Learning to recycle -Set up recycling boxes for tidy-up time so the children can put paper, plastic  and cardboard in the correct areas.
  • Where is the crab? Using positional language - under, over, in, on, behind, in front of, next to locate where the crab is hiding in the rockpool.
  • Compare quantities of shells using language 'more than' and 'less than'
  • Sports Day practise - learning to take part in team races.
  • Count and clap syllables using beach words.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 
  • Making passports, plane tickets, food orders in the beach cafe and ice cream parlor.


Key vocabulary: marine, sea, ocean, shark, whale, dolphin, squid, octopus, jellyfish, fish, scales, gills, tail, fins

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Set up recycling boxes so your child can put paper, plastic and cardboard in the correct boxes.
  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the positional language when playing 'Where is the bear?'  - in, on, under, up, down, between, beside, next to, behind, in front of etc
  • Writing numbers 0-5 
  • Practise name writing. Let your child look at their name card and then write their name on paper. Check their name card to see if they have written the correct lowercase letters in their name. Remember they only need a capital letter at the beginning of their name - eg Anna, James

Nursery Stay and Play Sports Morning

Wednesday 28th June 2023 9.15am to 12.15pm

9.15 am Children arrive at nursery

Parents can wait in Rainbow playground.

9.30am Nursery Sports Day Races

Children should wear a coloured top related to

their keyworker colour group

as they will be taking part in team races

10.30am Nursery children return to nursery

(Toilet and handwash)

10.45am Outdoor Picnic Snack with Parents

Collect your child from nursery

to enjoy snack time in the nursery outdoor area.

(Buffet Snack set up on table outside)

11 – 12pm Stay and Play in Nursery

Enjoy playing with your child in Nursery



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 26/6/23 & 3/7/23 

Weeks 4 & 5- Who lives on the seashore?


 Our story this week will be:

Who's hiding at the seaside?

Our songs this week will be:

1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • The seashore is an area of sandy, stony or rocky land bordering and level with the sea.
  • Leaving litter on beaches can potentially kill living things.
  • Learning about crabs, starfish, anemones, mussels, barnacles and periwinkles and seabirds.
  • Learning that rock pools or tide pools are shallow pools of seawater that form on the rocky part of the seashore. Many of these pools only appear at low tide.
  • Rock pools are habitats for many animals, such as starfish, crabs, anemones, mussels, barnacles and periwinkles.
  • Where is the starfish? Using positional language - under, over, in, on, behind, in front of, next to locate where the Starfish is hiding in the rockpool.
  • Compare quantities of shells using language 'more than' and 'less than'
  • Sports Day practise - learning to take part in team races.
  • Count and clap syllables using beach words.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 
  • Make Making passports, plane tickets, food orders in the beach cafe and ice cream parlor.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the positional language when playing 'Where is the bear?'  - in, on, under, up, down, between, beside, next to, behind, in front of etc
  • Writing numbers 0-5 
  • Practise name writing. Let your child look at their name card and then write their name on paper. Check their name card to see if they have written the correct lowercase letters in their name. Remember they only need a capital letter at the beginning of their name - eg Anna, James


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 19/6/23 

Week 3 - What can you do at the beach?


 Our story this week will be:

Lucy and Tom at the Seaside

 Our song this week will be:

The Waves in the Sea

(sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)

The waves in the sea go,
Up and down, (make a rolling wave by moving one hand up and down)
Up and down,
Up and down,
The waves in the sea go,
Up and down,
All day long.

The sharks in the sea go,
Snap, snap, snap… (hold two hands together, joined at the wrist, to form a mouth, snap open and shut)

The fish in the sea go,
Swish, swish, swish… (swim hands around as fish)

The crabs in the sea go
Click, click, click… (click fingers)

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Art Week -Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves using blue, green and white paint. Also making collages of the sea with torn paper and different textures of material.
  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did.
  • Exploring what you can see on the beach - Investigation Table
  • Investigating dry and damp sand.
  • Making a passport and airline ticket
  • Setting up our indoor role play areas - Howe Park International Airport 
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the maths language - sides, corners, straight, flat, round when describing 2-D and 3-D shapes

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/6/22 


Week 2 - What can you do at the beach?


 Our story this week will be:

Hey Duggee - A Day At The Beach

Our song this week will be:

"Oh I do like to beside the seaside!"

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did. 
  • Creating an outdoor reading den with baskets of books for the children to look at independently.
  • Exploring what you can do at the beach.
  • Investigating dry and damp sand.
  • Writing a postcard.
  • Setting up our outdoor role play areas - Ice cream parlour and Beach cafe
  • Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 6/6/23

Week 1 - What can you see in the summer?

 Our book this week will be:

What can you see in Summer?

Our songs this week will be:

Incy Wincy Spider

Here is the Beehive

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did. 
  • Finding out about the season of Summer.
  • Looking at summer changes in our nursery outdoor environment.
  • Minibeasts in our nursery outdoor environment.
  • Creating an beach hut reading den with baskets of books on the theme of the beach for the children to look at independently.
  • Setting up our outdoor role play areas - Ice cream parlour and Beach cafe
  • Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.

Take a walk in the local environment or visit the local park.

During the walk, talk about how the environment has changed throughout the year and point out how the trees have changed and look at the flowers that are blooming.

Explain that the local environment is home to lots of living things, including plants and trees, and see if you can spot any animals, such as bumblebees, butterflies or ladybirds.

Give your child a container to collect 'treasures' on their walk and take photos of your child during the walk to bring into nursery.

Summer Term 1 - "Let's Explore"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 15/5/23 & 22/5/23


Week 5 & 6 : "Exploring the world around us!"


Our story this week will be:

Mr Gumpy's Outing

Our song this week will be:

Row,row,row your boat

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Sharing the story Mr Gumpy's outing. We will encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains from the story.
  • "Where you have been?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the world. They can share their pictures, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did.
  • Learn about a globe and a world map. Explain that it shows the Earth where we live. We will point out countries that children have visited.
  • Creating an explorers reading den with baskets of books on the theme of adventures or travel for the children to look at independently.
  • Exploring animals from around the world and creating small worlds for the animals to live in.
  • Learning to colour mix - blue and red make purple.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Counting natural objects in the garden or park - stones, leaves, petals, sticks etc


This week in Nursery- Weeks beginning 2/5/23 and 9/5/23


Week 3 & 4 : "Exploring Our Environment"


Our story this week will be:

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Our song this week will be:

The bear went over the mountain

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Learning about King Charles III Coronation -
  • Making crowns and flags and celebrating with a Royal Tea Party on Friday 5th May.
  • Sharing the story We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We will encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains from the story.
  • Display the Bear hunt picture cards and ask the children to put them in the order in which they feature in the story. Think of actions for each part of the story and then retell the story using the picture cards and actions.
  • Going on a sound walk around the nursery and outside area. We will explain that it is important that they are quiet during the walk so they can hear different sounds. 
  • Share the story The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. Explore the emotions the children feel throughout the story. Encourage the children to talk about times they have felt sad, angry, happy, scared or excited and how it made them feel.
  • Learning to colour mix - yellow and red make orange
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers 
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when moving outside
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week. 
  • Talking about favorite activities at home and nursery.
  • Use "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 24/4/23


Week 2 : "Exploring our Nursery environment"


Our story this week will be:

Where's Spot?

Our song this week will be:

It's raining, it's pouring!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our weekend news.
  • Treasure Hunt  -Exploring the nursery environment - indoor & outdoor using clues.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when moving outside
  • Discussing favourite areas of nursery and where the children feel happy.
  • Learning to colour mix - yellow and red make orange.
  • Finding out about the Muslim festival of Eid.
  • Making Crescent Moon Eid Cards
  • Designing and making binoculars to spot the crescent moon at the start of Eid.
  • Showing the right number of objects to match the numeral up to 5 / 10 
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Talking about favourite activities at home and nursery.
  • Look for a rainbow of natural colours - red petals, green leaves, etc
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 17/4/23 

Week 1 : "Exploring how many colours are in a rainbow?"


Our song this week will be:

"I can sing a rainbow"

Our story this week will be:

"Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our holiday news.
  • Learning about different types of weather - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy, thunder etc
  • When do you see a rainbow?
  • Painting a rainbow - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple (Indigo, Violet)
  • Finding a rainbow of natural colours in the outdoor area. 
  • Writing their name on a their pictures.
  • Show finger numbers up to 5 when singing counting rhymes
  • Say one number for each item in order 1,2,3,4,5
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when climbing outside.
  • Finding out about the Muslim festival of Eid.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Use the Signs of Spring Checklist when you go on walks.
  • Look for a rainbow of natural colours - red petals, green leaves, etc
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend. 


Spring / Easter Holiday Activities

  • Go on a spring walk and take photographs of the signs of spring.
  • Make a weather diary to observe how the weather changes.
  • Visit a pond and look for signs of new life, such as ducklings and frogspawn.
  • Visit again over time to observe changes.



Spring 2 Topic - Ready Steady Grow

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 27/03/23

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 6 : Easter


Our story this week will be: We're Going on an Egg Hunt!

Our song this week will be: Hot Cross Buns

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Making a repeating pattern Easter hat / bonnet.
  • Creating an Easter card and writing their name in the message.
  • Enjoying an Easter egg hunt using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Finding out about the Christian Celebration of Easter.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Use the Signs of Spring Checklist when you go on walks over the Easter holidays.
  • Enjoy an Easter egg hunt over the Easter holidays and count how many eggs you find. 
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the Easter holidays.



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/03/23

Topic: Ready Steady Grow!

Week 5 : Are eggs alive?


Our story this week will be:

The Odd Egg

Our song this week will be:

Five little ducks went swimming one day

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Visiting Foundation to see the eggs hatching into chicks.
  •  "Where do eggs come from?" The lifecycle of a chicken.
  • How do the cooked egg and the raw egg look different?  
  • The children will see an egg cracked open and look at a raw egg. They will see what the egg looks like inside.
  • The children will look at a whole boiled egg and discuss how it is different from the raw egg. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Look at eggs in different states - raw, boiled and scrambled. Use new vocabulary to describe - runny, solid, sticky, smooth, clear, white, yellow. 
  • Talk about the lifecycle of a chicken from the hen laying an egg, the egg hatching, a chick and an adult chicken.
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.   

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/03/23

Week 4 : Fruit & Vegetable

Our story this week will be:

Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne

Song of the week -

5 Little Apples


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Handa's Surprise as a class and talking about the information on the front and back page. As well as remembering the sequence of animals and fruit in the book.
  • Feeling, smelling and tasting fruit as well as describing their skin using words such as - rough, smooth, prickly, hard, soft etc
  • Planting a herb garden which they will watch grow over the next term.
  • Learn to repeat patterns - banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, apple
  • Making Mother's Day cards and writing their names.
  • Role play in the Home Corner  - Pretending its Mother's Day  - making cards, buying flowers, enjoying afternoon tea. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about different fruits in Handa's surprise and taste them.
  • Making patterns at home - banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, apple etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 6/03/23

Week 3 : Growing seeds 

Our story this week will be:

Our song this week will be:

Days of the Week Song


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jaspers Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Days of the week
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own sunflower seeds which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Rolling a dice and counting out the correct amount of beans.
  • Making Mother's Day cards and writing their names.
  • Role play in the Animal Rescue Centre - adopting a pet and taking care of it. 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the book language before reading a story - Front cover, Back cover, Spine, Author, Illustrator
  • Making patterns at home - square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle etc.
  • Mark make, write letters from your name or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers 1,2,3,4,5 around the home.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you had at the weekend. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 27/02/23

Week 2: Jack and the Beanstalk


Our song this week will be:

Beanstalk Growing Tall

(Sing to the tune of 'Jelly on a Plate')

(Children start curled up in a ball and start growing)

Beanstalk growing tall,

Beanstalk growing tall,


Beanstalk growing tall.


(Children reach up tall)

Reaching to the clouds,

Reaching to the clouds,

Growing taller, growing taller,

Reaching to the clouds


Our story this week will be:

Jack and the Beanstalk

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include

  • Reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own broad beans which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Counting a variety of farm animals slowly, touching each object as you say the number. 
  • Role play in the Farm shop and also the Giant's Castle in Jack and the Beanstalk.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/02/23

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 1: The Farm


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Visiting the farm animals in our nursery carpark on Thursday
  • Naming the farm animals as well as finding out where they live on the farm and what they eat.
  • Making patterns with the farm animals - sheep,cow,sheep,cow.
  • Building a farm building using wooden blocks or junk modelling.
  • Printing animal tracks using the farm animals hooves in brown paint.
  • Making animal sounds in animal lotto game 
  • Drawing Farm animals 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you had during half term 


Our stories this week will be: 

Noisy Farm by Rod Campbell

Noisy Farm Book


 Farmyard Hullabaloo by Giles Andreae

Image result for farmyard hullabaloo


Our song this week will be:


Old MacDonald had a farm


Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some cows
Ee i ee i oh
With a moo-moo here
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

And on his farm he had some chicks
Ee i ee i o
With a cluck-cluck here
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck
Everywhere a cluck-cluck

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some pigs
Ee i ee i o
With an oink-oink here
And an oink-oink there
Here an oink, there an oink
Everywhere an oink-oink
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

Spring 1 Topic - Once Upon A Time

This week in Nursery-

Weeks beginning 30/1/23 & 6/2/23

Week 5 & 6 : The Three Little Pigs

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:

  • We will be learning about different materials in our new topic - wood, metal, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and sorting them.
  • We will go for a walk around around the school grounds and look at the school buildings. The children will be encouraged to name familiar features such as door, window, wall, roof, garden, drainpipe, gate etc
  • We will be counting houses and putting the right number of people in each house.
  • We will be reading the "The Three Little Pigs" and encourage the children to join in with repetitive phrases from the story, including - 
  •  " Little Pig, little pig, let me come in" and "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down." 
  • Drawing pictures from the story "The Three Little Pigs."
  • Recognising the capital letter of their name and beginning to copy.
  • Writing a letter to Mummy pig to tell her about their new houses.
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3)


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Go for a walk and look at the buildings in the area. Encourage your child to describe what they can see.
  • What materials can they find in their home? (Wood, metal, glass, plastic, material.)
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  "The Three Little Pigs"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Recognise the capital letter at the beginning of their name.
  • Practise counting 1-5, 1-10 or 1-20  (20 seconds to wash hands)
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3) 


 Our story this week will be: The Three Little Pigs

Our song this week will be: Poor Three Little Pigs

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 23/01/23

Week 4: Chinese New Year 

The Year of the Rabbit!

 Our song this week will be:

(Sing to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Dragon, dragon, dance around.

Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.

Dragon, dragon, shake your head.

Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.

Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.

Dragon, dragon, coming down the street.

Our story this week will be:

The Chinese New Year Story -

The Story of the Great Race



Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Reading a story to find out and name the 12 important animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  • Learning an action song about a Chinese Dragon.
  • Using our fine motor skills to learn how to use chop sticks or tweezers to pick up pom pom dumplings and woolly noodles. 
  • Using our cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern and a Chinese dragon.
  • Putting the right amount of gold coins in the numbered red envelopes 1-5/10
  • Learning how to move like a Chinese dragon.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5/10
  • It is the year of the tiger. Find out which Chinese animal year you were born in. What do you know about the animal?
  • Look on a world map or globe to find China. Also locate other places in the world you have visited. 
  • Watch a short clip online about the famous Chinese dragon dance and then make up your own. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 09/01/23 or 16/01/23

Week 2 & 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:


  • We will build a Three Bear cottage themed role play area in our outdoor wooden house.
  • Size ordering - Large, Medium & Small Bowls, 3 Chairs, 3 Beds and 3 different sized bears.
  • Junk Modelling - Build a new chair for baby bear.
  • Sequencing pictures of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • Different sizes of bowls, cups, spoons, funnels & bottles to explore capacity in the sand & water area.
  • Writing a sorry letter to the Three Bears from Goldilocks.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  - "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."
  • Find different size bowls, spoons, cups etc and order large, medium & small.
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Practise counting 1-5  or 1-10 


Our story this week will be: 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Our song this week

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 04/1/22

Week 1 : Winter

Our story this week will be:

Snow Bear by Tony Mitton

Autumn 2 Topic - Sparkle and Shine


Our Christmas Performance 2022 will be "Come to the Manger"

To help your child learn the Christmas songs over the next four weeks, we will send a copy of the words home and this is a link to the tunes from the nativity play "Come to the Manger"



***************************************** Nursery Rhymes


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 12/12/22 

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 7 - Celebrating Christmas

Nursery Christmas Stay and Play


Nursery would like to invite you to our Christmas Stay and Play on -

Tuesday 13th December - 9.30am to 11.30 am

The children will take part in some special Christmas art activities with your help. They will be able to make -

  • A Christmas Wreath
  • Decorate a Christmas Star
  • Christmas Paperchains
  • Snowman paper plate mask 


Each child in nursery will be entitled to make one of each of the 4 activities to take home for Christmas on the Stay and Play morning.


**************Timetable for Christmas week**************


Monday - Writing Christmas Cards and making Christmas Crowns for party

Tuesday - Christmas Stay & Play - 9.30 to 11.30am Parents stay and help to                                                                   make Christmas Crafts with your child.

Wednesday - Christmas Jumper Day - Donation for Charity

Thursday - Christmas Party - Children will bring home their Christmas Bag

Friday - Christmas Cbeebies Pantomime


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 5/12/22 

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 6 - Celebrating Christmas

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Final Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance -
  • Dress rehearsal - Wednesday 7th December 
  • Nursery performance - Thursday 8th December 9.45am
  • Nursery children to arrive dressed in the clothes they will wear under their costume - 9.15am
  • Parents to walk round to the Main School Entrance and take a seat in the School Hall 
  • Looking at shiny and non shiny materials.
  • Making invitations for a Christmas party.
  • Mark Making Christmas Cards
  • Looking at toy catalogues for a Christmas present for a friend
  • Learning to use the role play toy shop to buy a toy for a friend
  • Counting gold coins to buy toys in the shop
  • Creating a Christmas gift bag
  • Writing name on a Christmas Card 
  • Final Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - The Story of the First Christmas.
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns in Christmas cards to their friends.  

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 21/11/22 & 28/11/22

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 4 & 5 - Celebrating Birthdays

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Talking about different celebrations especially Birthdays
  • Making invitations for a birthday party.
  • Mark Making Birthday Cards
  • Looking at toy catalogues for a birthday present for a friend
  • Learning to use the role play toy shop to buy a toy for a friend
  • Counting gold coins to buy toys in the shop
  • Painting papier-mâché stars 
  • Creating 2-D shape pictures
  • Creating a Christmas Card
  • Rehearsals for the Christmas Performance


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - Kipper's Birthday
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 

 Our Christmas Performance Songs this week will be:


 4.Shining Brightly!

Shining brightly

Pointing so politely

Lightening up the way

Shining brightly

Pointing so politely

Guide us here today


Dance Interlude – Stars


Shining brightly

Pointing so politely

Lightening up the way


Pointing so politely

Guide us here today


5.Hee- Haw, Hee- Haw!

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

We’ve a special Baby

To breathe over and to keep warm

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

We’ve a special Baby to keep warm


Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

Moo-moo, Moo –moo!

We’ve a special Baby

To breathe over and to keep warm

Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

Moo-moo, Moo –moo!

We’ve a special Baby to keep warm


Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

We’ve a special Baby

To breathe over and to keep warm

Hee-haw, Hee-haw!

Moo-moo, Moo-moo!

We’ve a special Baby to keep warm

Our story this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 14/11/22

Topic: Sparkle & Shine

Week 3 - Celebrations  

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Looking at toy catalogues and writing a letter to send to Father Christmas.
  • Posting the Father Christmas Letters.
  • Learning to use the Howe Park Post Office
  • Talking about different celebrations - Diwali, Bonfire Night, Birthdays, Christmas
  • Woodland walk in the Howe Park School grounds.
  • Going on a leaf hunt in the nursery playground and discussing why leaves change colours in Autumn.
  • Making Autumn leaf windsocks or leaf wreaths. 
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man 
  • Counting 5 or 10  natural objects using conkers, pinecones & acorns.
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have a go at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week   - Little Glow
  • Help your child to learn the songs for the Christmas Performance 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 

 Our Christmas Performance Songs this week will be:

2. Celebrate!



Twinkled the shining stars



Celebrate with us!




Twinkled the shining stars



Celebrate with us!




Twinkled the shining stars



Celebrate with us!


3. Little Lamb


Little lamb says

Let’s go and meet the Baby

Little lamb says

Let’s go and bleat

Little lamb says

Let’s go and greet the Baby

Bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat!


Little lamb says

Let’s go and meet the Baby

Little lamb says

Let’s go and bleat

Little lamb says

Let’s go and greet the Baby

Bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat, bleat!


Our story this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 1/11/22 & 7/11/22

Topic: Autumn 

Week 1 & 2 : 

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Woodland walk in the Howe Park School grounds.
  • Going on a leaf hunt in the nursery playground and discussing why leaves change colours in Autumn.
  • Showing their Autumn treasure bags to the class and sorting the leaves, conkers, acorns etc
  • Painting & decorating Diwali Pots.
  • Learning more about the celebration of Diwali.
  • Making Autumn leaf windsocks, leaf crowns or leaf wreaths. 
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man 
  • Designing & making Firework rockets
  • Printing Firework Pictures
  • Counting to 5 or 10 and using conkers, pinecones & acorns to practise counting objects. 
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the stories of the week  "Leaf Man" and  "We are Going on a Leaf Hunt"
  • Help your child to learn the song "Autumn leaves are falling down"
  • Begin to learn the Christmas songs
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 


Our stories for the next two weeks will be:

" Leaf Man" and "We're going on a leaf hunt"

Our song this week will be:

Our Christmas Performance Song this week will be:

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Visit the King!

Come to the manger

Welcome the little one 

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!

Come to the manger

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Visit the King!

Come to the manger

Welcome the little one 

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!


Autumn Half Term Fun - Make an Autumn Treasure Bag

Enjoy looking for autumn changes in the park or Howe Park Wood. Please let your child collect and fill a bag with Autumn Treasures – colourful leaves, pine cones, conkers, acorns and sticks that they can bring into Nursery. Have Fun Collecting!

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 16/10/22

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 7 : People I love


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Looking at and talking about the Children's family Photos in their " All About Me Booklets"
  • Cutting and sticking tissue paper on a love heart. 
  • Writing a message to someone we love
  • Making a family in the dolls house 
  • Finding out about the Hindu celebration of Diwali and making clay diva pots. 
  • Beginning to think about autumn and the changes we will see in the environment.

 With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Talk about the people the children love and how we show them we love them.
  • Bake heart shaped biscuits.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about the characters in the stories and what happens to them in "Guess how much I love you" & "Love Monster"
  • Help your child to learn the song "This is me" 

Our stories this week will be:

Guess How Much I Love You

Love Monster

Our song this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 10/10/22

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 6 : People who help us!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our " All about me" booklets our parents completed with us 
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us 
  • Learning the parts of the body 
  • Using the maths language, tallest and shortest when measuring each other
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us.
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people who help us do and role play.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the people who help us in the story "Emergency" by M. Mayo
  • Help your child to learn the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"

Our story this week will be:

Emergency! By Margaret Mayo


Our song this week will be:

Head, shoulders, knees and toes



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 3/10/22

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 5 : All about Me!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Learning parts of the body 
  • Painting self portraits
  • Thinking about what our marvellous bodies can do
  • Using the maths language, smallest and largest when measuring feet & hands
  • Thinking about the different things we do in the day and ordering them
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people in your family do. 
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the feelings in the story "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain
  • Help your child to learn the song "If You're Happy and You Know"

 Our Story this week will be:

"The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain

Our song this week will be: 

"If You're Happy and You Know it!"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 26/09/22

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 4 : Babies

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Thinking about what is needed to be a good listener. 
  • Looking at objects used to look after a baby 
  • Exploring how baby toys work
  • Designing and printing a babygro for a baby
  • Looking after the babies in our role play area.
  • Matching animal babies to their parents
  • Joining in with and taking responsibility for tidying up the different areas of nursery. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Look at photographs of your child as a baby. Can they talk about how they changed?
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Retell the story "There's a house inside my mummy"
  • Help your child to learn the Finger Family Song. 

Our story this week will be:

 There's a HOUSE inside my MUMMY by Giles Andreae

Our rhyme / song this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/09/22

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 3 : Families


This week we will be:

  • getting to know each other. My name is ...
  • learning good listening skills and how we put our hands up to speak when in a group.
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outdoor area.
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it. 
  • learning the rhyme "I wriggle my fingers"
  • learning the song "Put your finger on your lips"
  • listening to the story "Owl Babies"
  • looking at our family photos and talking about who is in our family.  


Our rhyme / song this week will be:


I wriggle my fingers,

I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders,

I wriggle nose,

Now there are no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.


Our story this week will be:

Owl Babies

At home you could:

  • Help your child to learn the rhyme - " I wriggle my fingers" and the song -  "Put your finger on your lips"
  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song and the "Wake up shake up" songs 
  • Remind your child to say when they need the toilet and always wash their hands.
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc. 

Week 2 Nursery Induction -

Week beginning 12/09/22

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday- Nursery session - 3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm) Group A

Tuesday- Nursery session - 3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm) Group B

Wednesday - Nursery Full Session - 3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm ) 

Thursday - Nursery  Full Session-3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )

Friday-  Nursery Full Session -3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )


Week 2 -

This week we will:

  • Be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • Begin to look at the Howe Park Nursery " All about me" booklet you completed with your child.
  • Sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • Talking about our "Star board" and how we celebrate the children's achievements at nursery and at home.
  • Learning our "Tidy up time Song" and the "Wake Up Shake Up" song
  • Listen to a story - 
  • Talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack.



Our rhyme / song this week will be:

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips and seal it like a zip,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips.

Tune: If you're happy and you know it


 Our story this week will be:

Spot loves Nursery

At home you could:

  • Help your child to learn the rhyme - " I wriggle my fingers" and the song -  "Put your finger on your lips"
  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song and the "Wake up shake up" songs 
  • Remind your child to say when they need the toilet and always wash their hands.
  • Complete your child's Howe Park Nursery booklet - All about me
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.

Week beginning 5/09/22

Week 1 Nursery Induction -

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday - Home Visits - 9am - 3pm  

 Welcome to all our Nursery Children!

Tuesday-  Nursery Children - Visit with a parent -

Group A- 30 minutes - 9.15am - 9.45am

Group B - 30 minutes - 10am - 10.30am

Homevisits  - 11am-3pm

Wednesday - Old Nursery Children - 9.15 - 12.15pm sessions start

Wednesday - New Nursery Children -Settling in without a parent -

Group A - 1 hour ( 9.15am - 10.15am) 

Group B - 1 hour ( 10.30 -11.30am)

Homevisits  - 1pm - 3pm


Thursday- Old Nursery Children - 9.15 - 12.15pm. Afternoon sessions start.

Thursday - New Nursery Children  - Group A -  2 hour session  (9.30am - 11.30am) 


Friday - Old Nursery Children - 9.15 - 12.15pm and Afternoon session.

FridayNew Nursery Children - Group B - 2 hour nursery session  (9.30am - 11.30am) 


With your child at home this week you could: 

Watch the videos for the "Tidy Up Time" Song

and the "Wake Up Shake Up Song"

Summer 2022

We are learning about Alliteration

Summer 2 Topic: "On the Beach"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/7/22  

Week 5 - Seas and Oceans

 We will be learning that when people leave litter, it can harm wildlife in the seas and all around us. So it is important to put litter in the bin and keep things tidy to keep animals that live in our local environment and worldwide safe.

 Our story this week will be:

"Somebody swallowed Stanley"

Our song this week will be:

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Leaving litter on beaches can potentially kill marine life.
  • World Ocean Day raises awareness about the plants and animals that live in the seas and oceans.
  • The ocean is the body of salt water that covers over two thirds of the surface of the Earth.
  • Marine animals are animals that live in the seas or oceans.
  • Fish use their gills for breathing in the water.
  • Fish use their tails for swimming.
  • Fish use their fins to keep them upright.
  • Fish have scales to protect their bodies and help them to swim.
  • An aquarium is a transparent water tank in which water creatures and plants live.


  • Learning to recycle -Set up recycling boxes for tidy-up time so the children can put paper, plastic  and cardboard in the correct areas.
  • Where is the crab? Using positional language - under, over, in, on, behind, in front of, next to locate where the crab is hiding in the rockpool.
  • Compare quantities of shells using language 'more than' and 'less than'
  • Sports Day practise - learning to take part in team races.
  • Count and clap syllables using beach words.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 
  • Making passports, plane tickets, food orders in the beach cafe and ice cream parlor.


Key vocabulary: marine, sea, ocean, shark, whale, dolphin, squid, octopus, jellyfish, fish, scales, gills, tail, fins

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Set up recycling boxes so your child can put paper, plastic and cardboard in the correct boxes.
  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the positional language when playing 'Where is the bear?'  - in, on, under, up, down, between, beside, next to, behind, in front of etc
  • Writing numbers 0-5 
  • Practise name writing. Let your child look at their name card and then write their name on paper. Check their name card to see if they have written the correct lowercase letters in their name. Remember they only need a capital letter at the beginning of their name - eg Anna, James



Nursery Stay and Play Sports Morning

Thursday 7th July 2022

9.15 am Children arrive at nursery

Parents can wait in main playground.

9.30am Nursery Sports Day Races

Children should wear a coloured top related to

their keyworker colour group

as they will be taking part in team races

10.30am Nursery children return to nursery

(Toilet and handwash)

10.45am Outdoor Picnic Snack with Parents

Collect your child from nursery

to enjoy snack time in the nursery outdoor area.

(Buffet Snack set up on table outside)

11 – 12pm Stay and Play in Nursery

Enjoy playing with your child in Nursery

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 27/6/22  

Week 4 - Who lives on the seashore?


 Our story this week will be:

Who's hiding at the seaside?

Our song this week will be:

1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • The seashore is an area of sandy, stony or rocky land bordering and level with the sea.
  • Leaving litter on beaches can potentially kill living things.
  • Learning about crabs, starfish, anemones, mussels, barnacles and periwinkles and seabirds.
  • Learning that rock pools or tide pools are shallow pools of seawater that form on the rocky part of the seashore. Many of these pools only appear at low tide.
  • Rock pools are habitats for many animals, such as starfish, crabs, anemones, mussels, barnacles and periwinkles.
  • Where is the starfish? Using positional language - under, over, in, on, behind, in front of, next to locate where the Starfish is hiding in the rockpool.
  • Compare quantities of shells using language 'more than' and 'less than'
  • Sports Day practise - learning to take part in team races.
  • Count and clap syllables using beach words.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 
  • Make Making passports, plane tickets, food orders in the beach cafe and ice cream parlor.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the positional language when playing 'Where is the bear?'  - in, on, under, up, down, between, beside, next to, behind, in front of etc
  • Writing numbers 0-5 
  • Practise name writing. Let your child look at their name card and then write their name on paper. Check their name card to see if they have written the correct lowercase letters in their name. Remember they only need a capital letter at the beginning of their name - eg Anna, James


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/6/22  

Week 3 - What can you do at the beach?


 Our story this week will be:

Lucy and Tom at the Seaside


 Our song this week will be:

The Waves in the Sea

(sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)

The waves in the sea go,
Up and down, (make a rolling wave by moving one hand up and down)
Up and down,
Up and down,
The waves in the sea go,
Up and down,
All day long.

The sharks in the sea go,
Snap, snap, snap… (hold two hands together, joined at the wrist, to form a mouth, snap open and shut)

The fish in the sea go,
Swish, swish, swish… (swim hands around as fish)

The crabs in the sea go
Click, click, click… (click fingers)

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Art Week -Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves using blue, green and white paint. Also making collages of the sea with torn paper and different textures of material.
  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did.
  • Exploring what you can see on the beach - Investigation Table
  • Investigating dry and damp sand.
  • Making a passport and airline ticket
  • Setting up our indoor role play areas - Howe Park International Airport 
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.
  • Use the maths language - sides, corners, straight, flat, round when describing 2-D and 3-D shapes

Summer 2 Topic: "On the Beach" 

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/6/22 


Week 2 - What can you do at the beach?


 Our story this week will be:

Hey Duggee - A Day At The Beach

Our song this week will be:

"Oh I do like to beside the seaside!"

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • "Where you have been on holiday?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the World. They can share their photos, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did. 
  • Creating an beach hut reading den with baskets of books on the theme of the beach for the children to look at independently.
  • Exploring what you can do at the beach.
  • Investigating dry and damp sand.
  • Writing a postcard.
  • Setting up our outdoor role play areas - Ice cream parlour and Beach cafe
  • Looking at Sea paintings by Monet and painting the movement of the waves.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Finding 2-D Shapes - circle, square, rectangle & triangle on 3-D Shapes food containers - cylinder, cuboid, cube & triangular prism.



Summer 2 Topic: "On the Beach"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 8/6/22 


Week 1 - What can you see in the summer?


 Our book this week will be:

What can you see in Summer?

Our songs this week will be

Take a walk in the local environment or visit the local park.

During the walk, talk about how the environment has changed throughout the year and point out how the trees have changed and look at the flowers that are blooming.

Explain that the local environment is home to lots of living things, including plants and trees, and see if you can spot any animals, such as bumblebees, butterflies or ladybirds.

Give your child a container to collect 'treasures' on their walk and take photos of your child during the walk to bring into nursery.


Summer 1 Topic: "Let's Explore!"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 23/5/22  


Week 5 : "Exploring the World around us!"


Our story this week will be:

My Granny Went to Market: A Round The World Counting Rhyme

Our song this week will be:

Royal Family Song

We are learning it for the Queen's Platinum Celebration in school this week.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 16/5/22  


Week 4 : "Exploring the world around us!"


Our story this week will be:

Mr Gumpy's Outing

Our song this week will be:

Royal Family Song

We are learning it for the Queen's Platinum Celebration in school next week.

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Sharing the story Mr Gumpy's outing. We will encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains from the story.
  • "Where you have been?" Children can talk about places they have visited in the United Kingdom or around the world. They can share their pictures, describe the place and talk about some of the things they did.
  • Learn about a globe and a world map. Explain that it shows the Earth where we live. We will point out countries that children have visited.
  • Creating an explorers reading den with baskets of books on the theme of adventures or travel for the children to look at independently.
  • Exploring animals from around the world and creating small worlds for the animals to live in.
  • Learning about the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and learning the song about "The Royal Family"
  • Learning to colour mix - blue and red make purple.
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers.
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Bring in photographs of places your child has visited in the United Kingdom or around the world.  
  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Use  the "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Counting natural objects in the garden or park - stones, leaves, petals, sticks etc


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 9/5/22


Week 3 : "Exploring Our Environment"


Our story this week will be:

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Our song this week will be:

The bear went over the mountain

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Sharing the story We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We will encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains from the story.
  • Display the Bear hunt picture cards and ask the children to put them in the order in which they feature in the story. Think of actions for each part of the story and then retell the story using the picture cards and actions.
  • Going on a sound walk around the nursery and outside area. We will explain that it is important that they are quiet during the walk so they can hear different sounds. 
  • Share the story The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. Explore the emotions the children feel throughout the story. Encourage the children to talk about times they have felt sad, angry, happy, scared or excited and how it made them feel.
  • Learning to colour mix - yellow and blue make green
  • Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as writing numbers 
  • Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when moving outside
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week. 
  • Talking about favorite activities at home and nursery.
  • Use "Chin Method" to count and then clap syllables in words. 
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 3/5/22


Week 2 : "Exploring our Nursery environment"


Our story this week will be:

Where's Spot?

Our song this week will be:

It's raining, it's pouring!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our weekend news.
  • Treasure Hunt  -Exploring the nursery environment - indoor & outdoor using clues.
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when moving outside
  • Discussing favourite areas of nursery and where the children feel happy.
  • Learning to colour mix - yellow and red make orange.
  • Finding out about the Muslim festival of Eid.
  • Making Crescent Moon Eid Cards
  • Designing and making binoculars to spot the crescent moon at the start of Eid.
  • Showing the right number of objects to match the numeral up to 5 / 10 
  • Writing their name on their pictures or paintings. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the type of weather each day - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy etc
  • Learn the days of the week.
  • Talking about favourite activities at home and nursery.
  • Look for a rainbow of natural colours - red petals, green leaves, etc
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment  
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.




This week in Nursery- Week beginning 25/4/22


Week 1 : "Exploring how many colours are in a rainbow?"


Our song this week will be:

"I can sing a rainbow"

Our story this week will be:

"Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our holiday news.
  • Learning about different types of weather - sunny, cloudy, raining, windy, thunder etc
  • When do you see a rainbow?
  • Painting a rainbow - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple (Indigo, Violet)
  • Finding a rainbow of natural colours in the outdoor area. 
  • Writing their name on a their pictures.
  • Show finger numbers up to 5 when singing counting rhymes
  • Say one number for each item in order 1,2,3,4,5
  • Using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to when climbing outside.
  • Finding out about the Muslim festival of Eid.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Use the Signs of Spring Checklist when you go on walks.
  • Look for a rainbow of natural colours - red petals, green leaves, etc
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend.

Spring / Easter Holiday Activities

  • Go on a spring walk and take photographs of the signs of spring.
  • Make a weather diary to observe how the weather changes.
  • Visit a pond and look for signs of new life, such as ducklings and frogspawn.
  • Visit again over time to observe changes.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/04/22

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 6 : Easter


Our story this week will be:

Our song this week will be:

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Visiting Foundation to see how much the chicks have grown.
  • Decorating a clay egg for an Easter gift.
  • Making a repeating pattern Easter hat / bonnet.
  • Creating an Easter card and writing their name in the message.
  • Enjoying an Easter egg hunt using positional language - under, over, on, behind, in front of, next to.
  • Finding out about the Christian Celebration of Easter.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Use the Signs of Spring Checklist when you go on walks over the Easter holidays.
  • Enjoy an Easter egg hunt over the Easter holidays and count how many eggs you find. 
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the Easter holidays.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 28/03/22

Topic: Ready Steady Grow!

Week 5 : Are eggs alive?


Our story this week will be:

The Odd Egg

Our song this week will be:

Five little ducks went swimming one day

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Visiting Foundation to see the eggs hatching into chicks.
  • Making a decorative clay egg for an Easter gift
  •  "Where do eggs come from?" The lifecycle of a chicken.
  • How do the cooked egg and the raw egg look different?  
  • The children will see an egg cracked open and look at a raw egg. They will see what the egg looks like inside.
  • The children will look at a whole boiled egg and discuss how it is different from the raw egg. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Look at eggs in different states - raw, boiled and scrambled. Use new vocabulary to describe - runny, solid, sticky, smooth, clear, white, yellow. 
  • Talk about the lifecycle of a chicken from the hen laying an egg, the egg hatching, a chick and an adult chicken.
  • Practise rhyming words - cat, bat, rat, hat and finding an odd one out
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house or local environment 
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 21/03/22

Topic: Ready Steady Grow!

Week 4 : Fruit & Vegetable

Our story this week will be:

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Handa's Surprise as a class and talking about the information on the front and back page. As well as remembering the sequence of animals and fruit in the book.
  • Feeling, smelling and tasting fruit as well as describing their skin using words such as - rough, smooth, prickly, hard, soft etc
  • Planting a herb garden which they will watch grow over the next term.
  • Learn to repeat patterns - banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, apple
  • Making Mother's Day cards and writing their names.
  • Role play in the Home Corner  - Pretending its Mother's Day  - making cards, buying flowers, enjoying afternoon tea. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about different fruits in Handa's surprise and taste them.
  • Making patterns at home - banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, apple etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you may have had over the weekend. 

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 14/03/22

Topic: Ready Steady Grow!

Week 3 : Growing seeds


Our story this week will be:

Jack & the beanstalk


Our song this week will be:

Days of the Week Song


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jaspers Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Days of the week
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own sunflower seeds which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Rolling a dice and counting out the correct amount of beans.
  • Making Mother's Day cards and writing their names.
  • Role play in the Animal Rescue Centre - adopting a pet and taking care of it. 



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 7/03/22

Topic: Ready Steady Grow!

Week 2: Jack and the Beanstalk


Our song this week will be:

Beanstalk Growing Tall

(Sing to the tune of 'Jelly on a Plate')

(Children start curled up in a ball and start growing)

Beanstalk growing tall,

Beanstalk growing tall,


Beanstalk growing tall.


(Children reach up tall)

Reaching to the clouds,

Reaching to the clouds,

Growing taller, growing taller,

Reaching to the clouds


Our story this week will be:

Jack and the Beanstalk


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own broad beans which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Counting a variety of farm animals slowly, touching each object as you say the number. 
  • Role play in the Farm shop and also the Giant's Castle in Jack and the Beanstalk.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 28/02/21

Topic: Ready Steady Grow

Week 1: The Farm


Our stories this week will be: 

Noisy Farm by Rod Campbell

Noisy Farm Book


Image result for farmyard hullabaloo

Farmyard Hullabaloo bu Giles Andreae


Our song this week will be:

Old MacDonald had a farm


Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some cows
Ee i ee i oh
With a moo-moo here
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

And on his farm he had some chicks
Ee i ee i o
With a cluck-cluck here
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck
Everywhere a cluck-cluck

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some pigs
Ee i ee i o
With an oink-oink here
And an oink-oink there
Here an oink, there an oink
Everywhere an oink-oink
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Visiting the farm animals in our nursery carpark on Monday 
  • Naming the farm animals as well as finding out where they live on the farm and what they eat.
  • Making patterns with the farm animals - sheep,cow,sheep,cow.
  • Building a farm building using wooden blocks or junk modelling.
  • Printing animal tracks using the farm animals hooves in brown paint.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture to bring into nursery
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.
  • Bring photos or leaflets of a trip you had during half term 


Home Learning Activities 


Spring 1

Topic - Once Upon a Time

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 14/02/22

Week 7: Cinderella

Our story this week will be -


Our song this week will be -

The Shape Song

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Be a shape detective and search for 2-D shapes ( circle, square, rectangle, triangle) in your home, garden or park.  
  • Count the number of sides and corners on the 2-D Shapes / flat shapes you find.
  • Begin to look at 3-D Shapes especially a box shape called a cuboid. What 2-D shapes can you see on the solid shapes? 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns or their name.
  • Recognise the capital letter at the beginning of their name and all the other letters in their name are small letters eg: Anna / Thomas. 
  • Make a Valentine's card for your family.



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 05/02/22

Week 6: The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Our story this week will be -

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff

Our song this week will be -

London Bridge is Falling Down

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Retelling the story of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff using puppets.
  • Learning the names of 2-D shapes (Flat shapes) and using math's language to describe them - sides, corners, straight, round.
  • Building bridges using 3-D blocks and beginning to describe the shapes.
  • Design and join boxes to make a bridge for the 3 Billy goats gruff.
  • Using positional language in, on, under, up, down, besides, between when describing where the goats and troll are.
  • Recognising the letters in their names and using the interactive board to write the capital letter in their name.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5/10
  • Be a shape detective and search for 2-D shapes ( circle, square, rectangle, triangle) in your home, garden or park. 
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 
  • Recognise the capital letter at the beginning of their name. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 31/01/22

Week 5: Chinese New Year 

The Year of the Tiger!

 Our song this week will be:

(Sing to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Dragon, dragon, dance around.

Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.

Dragon, dragon, shake your head.

Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.

Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.

Dragon, dragon, coming down the street.

Our story this week will be:

The Chinese New Year Story -

The Story of the Great Race 

Image result for british council chinese new year story

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Reading a story to find out and name the 12 important animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  • Learning an action song about a Chinese Dragon.
  • Using our fine motor skills to learn how to use chop sticks or tweezers to pick up pom pom dumplings and woolly noodles. 
  • Using our cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern and a Chinese dragon.
  • Putting the right amount of gold coins in the numbered red envelopes 1-5/10
  • Learning how to move like a Chinese dragon.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5/10
  • It is the year of the tiger. Find out which Chinese animal year you were born in. What do you know about the animal?
  • Look on a world map or globe to find China. Also locate other places in the world you have visited. 
  • Watch a short clip online about the famous Chinese dragon dance and then make up your own. 



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 24/1/22

Week 4 : Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:


  • We will build a Three Bear cottage themed role play area in our outdoor wooden house.
  • Size ordering - Large, Medium & Small Bowls, 3 Chairs, 3 Beds and 3 different sized bears.
  • Junk Modelling - Build a new chair for baby bear.
  • Sequencing pictures of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • Different sizes of bowls, cups, spoons, funnels & bottles to explore capacity in the sand & water area.
  • Writing a sorry letter to the Three Bears from Goldilocks.


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  - "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."
  • Find different size bowls, spoons, cups etc and order large, medium & small.
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Practise counting 1-5 ,1-10 or 1-20 


Our story this week will be: 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears


This week in Nursery-

Weeks beginning 10/1/22 & 17/1/22

Week 2 & 3 : The Three Little Pigs

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:

  • We will be learning about different materials in our new topic - wood, metal, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and sorting them.
  • We will go for a walk around around the school grounds and look at the school buildings. The children will be encouraged to name familiar features such as door, window, wall, roof, garden, drainpipe, gate etc
  • We will be counting houses and putting the right number of people in each house.
  • We will be reading the "The Three Little Pigs" and encourage the children to join in with repetitive phrases from the story, including - 
  •  " Little Pig, little pig, let me come in" and "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down." 
  • Drawing pictures from the story "The Three Little Pigs."
  • Recognising the capital letter of their name and beginning to copy.
  • Writing a letter to Mummy pig to tell her about their new houses.
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3)


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Go for a walk and look at the buildings in the area. Encourage your child to describe what they can see.
  • What materials can they find in their home? (Wood, metal, glass, plastic, material.)
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting their hat and gloves on too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  "The Three Little Pigs"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Recognise the capital letter at the beginning of their name.
  • Practise counting 1-5, 1-10 or 1-20  (20 seconds to wash hands)
  • Subitising - learning to recognise a number of objects in a small group without the need to count them ( numbers 1-3) 


 Our story this week will be: The Three Little Pigs

Our song this week will be: Poor Three Little Pigs

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 05/1/22

Week 1 : Winter



Autumn 2

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 01/11/21

Week 1 : Autumn Celebrations

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Going on a leaf hunt and discussing why leaves change colours during Autumn.
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man
  • Using conkers and pine cones to practise counting and making patterns
  • Finding out about the Hindu celebration of Diwali and decorating clay pots
  • Finding out about Bonfire night and designing & making Firework rockets 
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the stories of the week  "Leaf Man" and      "We are Going on a Leaf Hunt"
  • Help your child to learn the song "Autumn leaves are falling down"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  Our stories this week will be:

" Leaf Man"

"We are going on a leaf hunt"

Our song this week will be:

"Autumn leaves are falling down"

Autumn 1

Our new topic this half term will be

Why do you love me so much?

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 18/10/21

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 7 : People I love


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Cutting and sticking tissue paper on a love heart.
  • Writing a message to someone we love
  • Making a family in the dolls house 
  • Beginning to think about autumn and the changes we will see in the environment.

 With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Talk about the people the children love and how we show them we love them.
  • Bake heart shaped biscuits.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about the characters in the stories and what happens to them in "Guess how much I love you" & "Love Monster"
  • Help your child to learn the song "This is me" 

Our stories this week will be:

Our song this week will be:

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 11/10/21

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 6 : People who help us!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our " All about me" booklets our parents completed with us 
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us 
  • Learning the parts of the body 
  • Using the maths language, tallest and shortest when measuring each other
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us.
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people who help us do and role play.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the people who help us in the story "Emergency" by M. Mayo
  • Help your child to learn the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"

 Our story this week will be:

Emergency! By Margaret Mayo

Our song this week will be:

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/10/21

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 5 : All about Me!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Learning parts of the body 
  • Painting self portraits
  • Thinking about what our marvellous bodies can do
  • Using the maths language, smallest and largest when measuring feet & hands
  • Thinking about the different things we do in the day and ordering them
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people in your family do. 
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the feelings in the story "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain
  • Help your child to learn the song "If You're Happy and You Know it!"

Our song this week will be: 

"If You're Happy and You Know it!"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 27/09/21

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 4 : Babies


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Thinking about what is needed to be a good listener. 
  • Looking at objects used to look after a baby 
  • Exploring how baby toys work
  • Designing and printing a babygro for a baby
  • Looking after the babies in our role play area.
  • Matching animal babies to their parents
  • Joining in with and taking responsibility for tidying up the different areas of nursery. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Look at photographs of your child as a baby. Can they talk about how they changed?
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Retell the story "There's a house inside my mummy"
  • Help your child to learn the Finger Family Song. 

Our story this week will be:

 There's a HOUSE inside my MUMMY by Giles Andreae

Our rhyme / song this week will be:

The Finger Family Song


Daddy finger, daddy finger
where are you?
Here I am
here I am
How do you do?

Mummy finger, mummy finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/09/21

Topic: Why do you love me so much?

Week 3 : Families


This week we will be:

  • getting to know each other. My name is ...
  • learning good listening skills and how we put our hands up to speak when in  a group.
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outdoor area.
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it. 
  • learning the rhyme "I wriggle my fingers"
  • learning the song "Put your finger on your lips"
  • listening to the story "Owl Babies"
  • looking at our family photos and talking about who is in our family.  


Our rhyme / song this week will be:


I wriggle my fingers,

I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders,

I wriggle nose,

Now there are no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.


Our story this week will be:

Owl Babies 

At home you could:

  • Help your child to learn the rhyme - " I wriggle my fingers" and the song -  "Put your finger on your lips"
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.


Week 2 Nursery Induction -

Week beginning 13/09/21

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday- Nursery session - 2 hours (9.30am - 11.30am) Group A

Tuesday- Nursery session - 2 hours (9.30am - 11.30am) Group B

Wednesday - Nursery Full Session - 3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm ) 

Thursday - Nursery  Full Session-3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )

Friday-  Nursery Full Session -3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )


Week 2 -

This week we will:

  • be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • talking about our "Star board" and how we celebrate the children's achievements at nursery and at home.
  • learning our Tidy up time Song.
  • listen to a story.
  • talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack.


At home you could:

  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song 


Week beginning 6/09/21


Week 1 Nursery Induction -

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday - Welcome back to our Nursery Children!

Tuesday- New Nursery Children -Settling in session without a parent -

Group A- 1 hour (9.30am - 10.30am) 

Outdoor Meet Ups with Mrs Cullen - Afternoon appointment in Nursery Pack.

Wednesday - New Nursery Children -Settling in without a parent -

Group B - 1 hour (9.30am - 10.30am) 

Outdoor Meet Ups with Mrs Cullen - Afternoon appointment in Nursery Pack.

Thursday- New Nursery Children  - 2 hour session - Group A (9.30am - 11.30am) 

FridayNew Nursery Children - 2 hour nursery session  - Group B (9.30am - 11.30am) 



Summer Term

Our new topic this half term will be

"How many colours in a rainbow?"


Week 2 - Rainbows


Our song this week will be:

"I can sing a rainbow"

Our story this week will be:

"Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert

Spring 2

Our new topic this half term will be

"Are eggs alive?"



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 15/03/21

Topic: Are eggs alive?

Week 4: Ducks


Our song this week will be:


Five little ducks went swimming one day


Our story this week will be:

The Odd Egg 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 8/03/21

Topic: Are eggs alive?

Week 3: Frogs


Our song this week will be:


Five Little speckled Frogs


Our story this week will be:

Oi Frog!

By Kes Gray and Jim Field

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 1/03/21

Topic: Are eggs alive?

Week 2: Jack and the Beanstalk


Our song this week will be:

Beanstalk Growing Tall

(Sing to the tune of 'Jelly on a Plate')

(Children start curled up in a ball and start growing)

Beanstalk growing tall,

Beanstalk growing tall,


Beanstalk growing tall.


(Children reach up tall)

Reaching to the clouds,

Reaching to the clouds,

Growing taller, growing taller,

Reaching to the clouds


Our story this week will be:

Jack and the Beanstalk

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own broad beans which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Counting a variety of farm animals slowly, touching each object as you say the number. 
  • Role play in the Farm shop and also the Giant's Castle in Jack and the Beanstalk.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 22/02/21

Topic: Are eggs alive?

Week 1: The Farm


Our song this week will be:

Old MacDonald had a farm


Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some cows
Ee i ee i oh
With a moo-moo here
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

And on his farm he had some chicks
Ee i ee i o
With a cluck-cluck here
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck
Everywhere a cluck-cluck

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some pigs
Ee i ee i o
With an oink-oink here
And an oink-oink there
Here an oink, there an oink
Everywhere an oink-oink
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o


Our stories this week will be: 


Noisy Farm by Rod Campbell


Farmyard Hullabaloo bu Giles Andreae


Image result for farmyard hullabaloo

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Naming the farm animals as well as finding out where they live on the farm and what they eat.
  • Making patterns with the farm animals - sheep,cow,sheep,cow.
  • Building a farm building using wooden blocks or junk modelling.
  • Printing animal tracks using the farm animals hooves in brown paint.
  • Using scissors to cut out farm animals to stick on a farm scene. 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture for Daisy the Duck - (Our nursery puppet)
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.



The Big Schools’ Birdwatch

The Big Schools’ Birdwatch is in it’s 20th year and it is a brilliant opportunity to get out into the garden or the park, do some bird watching and talk about what you see.
The RSPB website has downloadable survey sheets with pictures of birds to look out for.

Whilst you’re out there, here are some ideas to talk about with your little ones:
Are the birds big/huge or small/tiny?
What colours are they?
Model the phrase ‘I can see….’ so your child can copy this and add their own ideas
The names of the birds you see e.g. Robin, Sparrow, Blackbird
What are the birds doing? Use specific verbs such as flying, eating, jumping, perching, chirping, drinking.



Spring 1

Our new topic this half term will be

"Do Dragon's exist?"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 8/02/21

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 6: Chinese New Year 


(Sing to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Dragon, dragon, dance around.

Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.

Dragon, dragon, shake your head.

Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.

Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.

Dragon, dragon, coming down the street.

Our story this week will be:

How to catch a dragon by Caryl Hart

Image result for how to catch a dragon

Also we will be reading the story of the Great Race -

The Chinese New Year Story.

Image result for british council chinese new year story

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Reading a story to find out and name the 12 important animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  • Learning an action song about a Chinese Dragon.
  • Using our fine motor skills to learn how to use chop sticks or tweezers to pick up pom pom dumplings and woolly noodles. 
  • Using our cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern and a Chinese dragon.
  • Learning how to move like a dragon.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5.
  • It is the year of the rat. Find out which Chinese animal year you were born in. What do you know about the animal?
  • Look on a world map or globe to find China. Also locate other places in the world you have visited. 
  • Watch a short clip online about the famous Chinese dragon dance and then make up your own. 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 1/02/21

Week 5: The Castle Animals


Our song this week will be:


The Castle on the Hill Song

( Sing to the tune of the Wheels on the Bus)


The castle on the hill is old and strong,

 Old and strong, old and strong.

The castle on the hill is old and strong,

For the king!


The castle on the hill has tall turrets,

Tall turrets, tall turrets.

The castle on the hill has tall turrets,

For the king!


The castle on the hill has a moat,

has a moat, has a moat.

The castle on the hill has a moat, 

For the king!


The castle on the hill has a draw bridge,

draw bridge, draw bridge.

The castle on the hill has a draw bridge,

For the king!


Our story this week will be:

The Three Wishes

by David Melling

Image result for the three wishes david melling 

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • We will be learning about the animals that lived in the castle - horses, sheep. pigs, dogs, cats, chickens and birds of prey. The children will be challenged to sort the animal picture cards into two groups, "Animals that lived in a castle" and "Animals that didn't live in a castle"
  • We will talk about the jobs that the animals did in the castle and how they are the same or different.
  • Counting castle animals or castle people, touching the objects as they count and saying each number as they count.
  • Investigating what will happen to the dragons trapped in the block of ice.
  • Designing and making a Valentine's card and writing their name inside. 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Find out some information about the different animals that lived in the castle - horses, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, chickens or birds of prey.
  • Go on a number walk and look out for the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5.
  • Write a letter or draw a picture for our pet dragon and bring it into school to show him.
  • Investigate - What happens when you put water in an ice cube tray and place it in the freezer?  


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 25/01/21

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 5: Our Class Dragon

Our song this week will be:

The King in the Castle Song

( Sing to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know it")

The king in the royal castle wears his crown,

The king in the royal castle wears his crown,

The king in the royal castle wears his crown and some dazzle.

The king in the royal castle wears his crown


The shiny knight in the castle wears armour,

The shiny knight in the castle wears armour,

The shiny knight in the castle has a shield. It has a tassel.

The shiny knight in the castle wears armour.


The fierce dragon at the castle roars and roars,

The fierce dragon at the castle roars and roars,

The fierce dragon at the castle breathes out fire (it's a hassle).

The fierce dragon at the castle roars and roars.


Our story this week will be:

There was an old Dragon who swallowed a Knight

by Penny Parker Klostermann.

Image result for there was an old dragon who swallowed a knight

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Listening to the poem "A Dragon in the classroom" by Charles Thomson and thinking about the objects and materials they could use to make a class dragon. 
  • Children choosing a favourite treasure from the King's Chest and describing it's shape,colour and texture.
  • Challenging the children to answer questions about the dragons - Where is the red dragon? Who has the blue dragon? Can you put the green dragon next to the yellow dragon?
  • Making a cave for a dragon to live in, using cardboard boxes and paper.
  • Building a drawbridge across the water tray in the outdoor area using wood and construction bricks.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5.
  • Make a pet dragon using cardboard boxes.
  • Practise drawing circles and lines for our class dragon.
  • Find some treasure at home and help your child to describe its colour,shape and texture.



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 18/01/21

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 3: Knights

Our song this week will be:

Brave Knight Song

(Sing to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Brave, brave knight, brave, brave knight,

With your sword, with your sword.

Wearing lots of armour, wearing lots of armour,

They deserve, a reward.


Our story this week will be:

The Knight who wouldn't fight by Helen Docherty.


Image result for The knight who wouldnt fight


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include -

  • Learning the Knight's code -

Always tell the truth 

Work together 

Be Brave 

Be Kind to each other


  • Counting dragon coins using numbers 1 to 10
  • Making Knight's shields using collage material.
  • Investigating which material would be the strongest for the Knight's armour.
  • Using the King's feather quill to practise drawing lines. 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them practise putting on their own coats and begin to fasten them. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers.
  • Practise drawing straight lines and circles. 
  • Learn the Knight's code.
  • Look at different materials in your home and talk about what they are used for  - plastic, wood, metal, paper, fabric.



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 11/01/21

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 2: Dragons

Our song this week will be:

Who will fight the fierce dragon

(Sing to the tune - London Bridge is falling down)

Who will fight the fierce dragon,

Fierce dragon, fierce dragon.

Who will fight the fierce dragon?

We need a knight!

Quick, he’s breathing lots of fire,

Lots of fire, lots of fire.

Quick, he’s breathing lots of fire,

We need a knight!


Don’t forget your sword and shield,

Sword and shield, sword and shield.

Don’t forget your sword and shield.

Get them quickly!


Hooray! Now the dragon’s gone!

Dragon’s gone, dragon’s gone!

Hooray! Now the dragon’s gone!

What a brave knight!


Our story this week will be:

The Little Dragon by Heather Amery

The Little Dragon (Usborne first stories) by Heather Amery (2003-05-30): Books


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Listen to the poem "The Pet" by Tony Bradman and the children will be encouraged to repeat words and phrases from the poem.
  • Counting Dragons - Children to practise reciting the numbers 1-5 or 1-20
  • Comparing pictures of mythical dragons and pictures of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and fish. Are the animals the same or different to the dragons?
  • Beginning to practise writing patterns - drawing circles. 
  • Drawing dragons with fearsome features.
  • Making dragons from junk modelling.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them practise putting on their own coats and begin to fasten them. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 
  • Practise drawing circles. 
  • Look at pictures of dragons on the internet and compare with pictures of other animals. Are the animals the same or different to the dragons? 


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 5/01/21

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 1: Who lives in a castle?

Our rhyme this week will be:

I wriggle my fingers, I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders, I wriggle my nose,

Now there is no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.

Our story this week will be:

In the Castle by Anna Milbourne


Image result for The castle by anna milbourne


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Dressing up as people who lived in the castle - king, queen, knight, princess, prince, servant.
  • Using 2-D shapes - squares, triangles, circles and rectangles to make a castle. 
  • Reciting numbers in order to 5 or 10 along the castle wall numberline.
  • Investigating smells and finding their favourite smell and also the Queen's perfume.
  • Building towers and castles with construction materials.
  • Creating sparkly lollypop stick snowflakes and cotton wool snowmen.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them practise putting on their own coats and begin to fasten them.
  • Recite numbers in order to 5 
  • Talk about the people who live in a castle.
  • Build a castle using bricks or boxes.



 Autumn 2 

Our new topic this half term will be

" Is it shiny?" 


To help your child learn the Christmas songs, we will send a copy of the words home and this is a link to the tunes from the nativity play "Come to the Manger"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 09/11/20


Week 2 : " Is it shiny?" 

Some of the Learning opportunities this week will include:

  • We will be learning about different materials in our new topic - wood, metal, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and sorting them.
  • We will go for a walk around around the school grounds and look at the school buildings. The children will be encouraged to name familiar features such as door, window, wall, roof, garden, drainpipe, gate etc
  • We will be counting houses and putting the right number of people in each house.
  • We will be reading the  "The Three Little Pigs" and encourage the children to join in with repetitive phrases from the story, including - 
  •  " Little Pig, little pig, let me come in" and "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down." 


With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Go for a walk and look at the buildings in the area. Encourage your child to describe what they can see.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Let your child practise putting o their hat and gloves too.
  • Talk about what happens in the story of the week  "The Three Little Pigs"
  • Help your child to learn the Christmas song - "Welcome the Baby"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns.  
  • Practise counting 1-5 ,1-10 or 1-20

 Our story this week will be:The Three Little Pigs

Our song this week will be:

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Visit the King!

Come to the manger

Welcome the little one 

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!

Come to the manger

Welcome the Baby

Come to the manger

Visit the King!

Come to the manger

Welcome the little one 

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!

Good news for all we sing!


Nursery Rhyme Counting Songs to enjoy!


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 02/11/20

Week 1 : Autumn

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Going on a leaf hunt and discussing why leaves change colours during Autumn.
  • Making Autumn leaf windsocks
  • Designing & making Firework rockets
  • Collecting leaves to make our own leaf man
  • Counting to 10 and using conkers and acorns to practising counting objects. 
  • Practising writing patterns 

With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about what happens in the stories of the week  "Leaf Man" and      "We are Going on a Leaf Hunt"
  • Help your child to learn the song "Autumn leaves are falling down"
  • Help your child to have fun practising their writing patterns. 
  •  Our stories this week will be:
  • " Leaf Man"

"We're Going on a Leaf Hunt"

Our song this week will be:

"Autumn leaves are falling down"


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 19/10/20

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 6 : People I love


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Cutting and sticking tissue paper on a love heart.
  • Writing a message to someone we love
  • Making a robin handprint Christmas card to be printed.
  • Building towers using cubes and matching them to numbers to 10.
  • Making a family in the dolls house 

 With your child at home this week you could: 

  • Talk about the people the children love and how we show them we love them.
  • Bake heart shaped biscuits. 
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat.
  • Talk about the characters in the stories and what happens to them in    "Guess how much I love you" & "Love Monster"
  • Help your child to learn the song "This is me"

  • Our stories this week will be:

Our song this week will be:

Begin to learn the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and actions for our Christmas play.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 12/10/20

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 5 : People who help us!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Talking about our " All about me" booklets our parents completed with us 
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us 
  • Learning the parts of the body 
  • Using the maths language, tallest and shortest when measuring each other
  • Thinking about jobs that people do and how they help us.
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people who help us do and role play.
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery.
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the people who help us in the story "Emergency" by M. Mayo
  • Help your child to learn the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"


Our story this week will be:

Emergency! By Margaret Mayo

Our song this week will be:

Head, shoulders, knees and toes


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 5/10/20

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 5 : All about Me!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Learning parts of the body 
  • Painting self portraits
  • Thinking about what our marvellous bodies can do
  • Using the maths language, smallest and largest when measuring feet & hands
  • Thinking about the different things we do in the day and ordering them
  • Role play in our doctors surgery and baby clinic 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Talk about the jobs that people in your family do. 
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Talk about the feelings in the story "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain
  • Help your child to learn the song "If You're Happy and You Know it!"

Please remember:

  • To pay for nursery snack for the year
  • To cut up grapes in your child's lunch box
  • how-to-cut-grapes-for-toddlers-the-right-way-to-avoid-choking_143540
  • To label all items of clothing, bag, water bottle and lunch bag. 
  • The school's health & policy says that children should not wear necklaces, bracelets, watches or hooped earrings. A small pair of stud earrings can be worn. 


Our song this week will be: 

"If You're Happy and You Know it!"

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 28/09/20

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 4 : Babies


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Thinking about what is needed to be a good listener. 
  • Looking at objects used to look after a baby 
  • Exploring how baby toys work
  • Designing and printing a babygro for a baby
  • Looking after the babies in our role play area.
  • Matching animal babies to their parents
  • Joining in with and taking responsibility for tidying up the different areas of nursery. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Look at photographs of your child as a baby. Can they talk about how they changed?
  • Look for signs of Autumn as you travel to and from nursery
  • Encourage your child to have ago at putting on and taking off their coat
  • Retell the story "There's a house inside my mummy"
  • Help your child to learn the Finger Family Song. 

Our story this week will be:

 There's a HOUSE inside my MUMMY by Giles Andreae

Our rhyme / song this week will be:

The Finger Family Song

Daddy finger, daddy finger
where are you?
Here I am
here I am
How do you do?

Mommy finger, mommy finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

 This week in Nursery- Week beginning 21/09/20

Topic: Guess How Much I Love You...

Week 3 : Families


This week we will be:

  • getting to know each other. My name is ...
  • learning good listening skills and how we put our hands up to speak when in  a group.
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outdoor area.
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it. 
  • learning the rhyme "I wriggle my fingers"
  • learning the song "Put your finger on your lips"
  • listening to the story "Owl Babies"
  • looking at our family photos and talking about who is in our family. 

Our story this week will be:


Our rhyme / song this week will be:


I wriggle my fingers,

I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders,

I wriggle nose,

Now there are no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.



Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips,

Put your finger on your lips and seal it like a zip,

Put your finger on your lips, on your lips.

Tune: If you're happy and you know it

At home you could:

  • Help your child to learn the rhyme - " I wriggle my fingers" and the song -  "Put your finger on your lips"
  • Talk to your child about your family and look at photos of extended family - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc.


 Week beginning 14/09/20

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Monday- Nursery session - 2 hours (9.15am - 11.15am) Group A

Tuesday- Nursery session - 2 hours (9.15am - 11.15am) Group B

Wednesday - Nursery Full Session - 3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )

Thursday - Nursery  Full Session-3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )

Friday-  Nursery Full Session -3 hours (9.15am - 12.15pm )


Week 2 -

This week we will:

  • be observing the children expressing their own preferences and watching their interests begin to develop.
  • sing familiar nursery rhymes.
  • sharing the children's stars from home.
  • learning our Wake Up Shake Up Song.
  • learning our Tidy up time Song.
  • listen to a story.
  • talk about our hands and what we can use our hands for, focusing on washing our hands before snack.


At home you could:

  • Learn to sing our "Tidy up time" Song and "Wake Up!" Song



Week beginning 8/09/20

Welcome to Howe Park Nursery 2020 - 2021

The Plan for this week is as follows:

Tuesday- Settling in with a parent - 1 hour (9.30am - 10.30am) or (11.00am - 12.00pm)

                 Outdoor Meet Ups with Mrs Cullen - appointment in Nursery Pack.

Wednesday - Settling in with a parent - 1 hour (9.30am - 10.30am) or (11.00am - 12.00pm)

                       Outdoor Meet Ups with Mrs Cullen - appointment in Nursery Pack.

Thursday-Settling in without a parent - 1 hour (9.30am - 10.30am) or (11.00am - 12.00pm)

Friday-  Settling in without a parent - 1 hour (9.30am - 10.30am) or (11.00am - 12.00pm)


Please remember:

  • To return the Starting Howe Park Nursery information booklet
  • To order milk, register at 
  • To pay for snack for the year
  • To label all items of clothing, bag, water bottle and lunch bag. 
  • The school's health & policy says that children should not wear necklaces, bracelets, watches or hooped earrings. A small pair of stud earrings can be worn.



Applying for Primary School for September 2021




This week in Nursery- Week beginning 4/03/20

Topic: Are eggs alive?

Week 2: Jack and the Beanstalk


Our song this week will be:

Beanstalk Growing Tall

(Sing to the tune of 'Jelly on a Plate')

(Children start curled up in a ball and start growing)

Beanstalk growing tall,

Beanstalk growing tall,


Beanstalk growing tall.


(Children reach up tall)

Reaching to the clouds,

Reaching to the clouds,

Growing taller, growing taller,

Reaching to the clouds


Our story this week will be:


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • Reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be beginning to join in with the repeated words and phrases.
  • Enjoying World Book Day on Thursday 5th March. Remember to dress as a book character.
  • Learning how to plant seeds and planting their own broad beans which they will watch grow over the next few weeks.
  • Counting a variety of farm animals slowly, touching each object as you say the number. 
  • Role play in the Farm shop and also Jack's house.
  • We have also been learning about germs and did an experiment to see how germs spread from our hands to each other. We placed our hands in glitter, representing the germs and watched how the glitter/germs passed to our other hand when we clap our hands together.
  • We have also been learning to wash our hands for 20 seconds by singing the song "This is the way we wash our hands" twice, as they wash their hands extra well before snack and lunch.

    This is the way we wash our hands,
    Wash our hands, wash our hands.
    This is the way we wash our hands,
    With lots of soap and water! 

    (Sing to the tune of ‘Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’.)  
  • Finally we have set up a Snuffle Station near the Nursery Toilets to teach the children the importance of washing their hands after blowing their nose. We are reminding the children to -
  • Get a tissue 
  • Wipe your nose
  • Bin the tissue.
  • Wash your hands 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Talk about stories - does your child have a favourite story? What is it called? Who are the main characters? Where is it set? Can they retell you the story? 

  • Role play Shop - letting your child choose some items to sell in their shop 
  • Plant some cress seeds at home and watch them grow.
  • Count a variety of different objects at home, slowly and carefully touching each object as you count.

  • Sing our Hand washing song when your child washes their hands at home


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 24/02/20

Topic: Are eggs alive?

Week 1: The Farm


Our song this week will be:

Old MacDonald had a farm


Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some cows
Ee i ee i oh
With a moo-moo here
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

And on his farm he had some chicks
Ee i ee i o
With a cluck-cluck here
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck
Everywhere a cluck-cluck

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some pigs
Ee i ee i o
With an oink-oink here
And an oink-oink there
Here an oink, there an oink
Everywhere an oink-oink
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o


Our story this week will be: 

Farmyard Hullabaloo

by Giles Andreae

Image result for farmyard hullabaloo

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Naming the farm animals as well as finding out where they live on the farm and what they eat.
  • Making patterns with the farm animals - sheep,cow,sheep,cow.
  • Building a farm building using wooden blocks or junk modelling.
  • Printing animal tracks using the farm animals hooves in brown paint.
  • Using scissors to cut out farm animals to stick on a farm scene. 

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it.
  • Talk about the animals that live on a farm and the noises they make.
  • Making patterns at home - fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon etc.
  • Mark make or draw a picture for Daisy the Duck.
  • Number Hunt - Look for numbers around the house.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 10/02/20

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 6: The Castle Animals


Our song this week will be:


The Castle on the Hill Song

( Sing to the tune of the Wheels on the Bus)


The castle on the hill is old and strong,

 Old and strong, old and strong.

The castle on the hill is old and strong,

For the king!


The castle on the hill has tall turrets,

Tall turrets, tall turrets.

The castle on the hill has tall turrets,

For the king!


The castle on the hill has a moat,

has a moat, has a moat.

The castle on the hill has a moat, 

For the king!


The castle on the hill has a draw bridge,

draw bridge, draw bridge.

The castle on the hill has a draw bridge,

For the king!


Our story this week will be:

The Three Wishes

by David Melling

Image result for the three wishes david melling 

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include: 

  • We will be learning about the animals that lived in the castle - horses, sheep. pigs, dogs, cats, chickens and birds of prey. The children will be challenged to sort the animal picture cards into two groups, "Animals that lived in a castle" and "Animals that didn't live in a castle"
  • We will talk about the jobs that the animals did in the castle and how they are the same or different.
  • Counting castle animals or castle people, touching the objects as they count and saying each number as they count.
  • Investigating what will happen to the dragons trapped in the block of ice.
  • Designing and making a Valentine's card and writing their name inside. 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Find out some information about the different animals that lived in the castle - horses, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, chickens or birds of prey.
  • Go on a number walk and look out for the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5.
  • Write a letter or draw a picture for our pet dragon and bring it into school to show him.
  • Investigate - What happens when you put water in an ice cube tray and place it in the freezer?

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 3/02/20

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 5: Our Class Dragon

Our song this week will be:

The King in the Castle Song

( Sing to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know it"

The king in the royal castle wears his crown,

The king in the royal castle wears his crown,

The king in the royal castle wears his crown and some dazzle.

The king in the royal castle wears his crown


The shiny knight in the castle wears armour,

The shiny knight in the castle wears armour,

The shiny knight in the castle has a shield. It has a tassel.

The shiny knight in the castle wears armour.


The fierce dragon at the castle roars and roars,

The fierce dragon at the castle roars and roars,

The fierce dragon at the castle breathes out fire (it's a hassle).

The fierce dragon at the castle roars and roars.


Our story this week will be:

There was an old Dragon who swallowed a Knight

by Penny Parker Klostermann.

Image result for there was an old dragon who swallowed a knight

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Listening to the poem "A Dragon in the classroom" by Charles Thomson and thinking about the objects and materials they could use to make a class dragon. 
  • Children choosing a favourite treasure from the King's Chest and describing it's shape,colour and texture.
  • Challenging the children to answer questions about the dragons - Where is the red dragon? Who has the blue dragon? Can you put the green dragon next to the yellow dragon?
  • Making a cave for a dragon to live in, using cardboard boxes and paper.
  • Building a drawbridge across the water tray in the outdoor area using wood and construction bricks.


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5.
  • Make a pet dragon using cardboard boxes.
  • Practise drawing circles and lines for our class dragon.
  • Find some treasure at home and help your child to describe its colour,shape and texture.


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 27/01/20

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 4: Chinese New Year 

Our song this week will be:

Dragon Dragon Song

(Sing to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Dragon, dragon, dance around.

Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.

Dragon, dragon, shake your head.

Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.

Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.

Dragon, dragon, coming down the street.

Our story this week will be:

How to catch a dragon by Caryl Hart

Image result for how to catch a dragon

Also we will be reading the story of the Great Race -

The Chinese New Year Story.

Image result for british council chinese new year story

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Reading a story to find out and name the 12 important animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  • Learning an action song about a Chinese Dragon.
  • Using our fine motor skills to learn how to use chop sticks or tweezers to pick up pom pom dumplings and woolly noodles. 
  • Using our cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern and a Chinese dragon.
  • Learning how to move like a dragon.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them put their own coat on and show them how to fasten it. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers 1-5.
  • It is the year of the rat. Find out which Chinese animal year you were born in. What do you know about the animal?
  • Look on a world map or globe to find China. Also locate other places in the world you have visited. 
  • Watch a short clip online about the famous Chinese dragon dance and then make up your own. 

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 20/01/20

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 3: Knights

Our song this week will be:

Brave Knight Song

(Sing to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Brave, brave knight, brave, brave knight,

With your sword, with your sword.

Wearing lots of armour, wearing lots of armour,

They deserve, a reward.


Our story this week will be:

The Knight who wouldn't fight by Helen Docherty.

Image result for The knight who wouldnt fight Some of our learning opportunities this week will include -

  • Learning the Knight's code -

Always tell the truth 

Work together 

Be Brave 

Be Kind to each other

  • Using mini wooden swords to mark make in shallow sand trays
  • Counting dragon coins using numbers 1 to 5.
  • Making Knight's shields using collage material.
  • Investigating which material would be the strongest for the Knight's armour.
  • Using the King's feather quill to practise drawing lines. 


With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them practise putting on their own coats and begin to fasten them. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 and begin to recognise the numbers.
  • Practise drawing straight lines and circles. 
  • Learn the Knight's code.
  • Look at different materials in your home and talk about what they are used for  - plastic, wood, metal, paper, fabric.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 13/01/20

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 2: Dragons

Our song this week will be:

Who will fight the fierce dragon

(Sing to the tune - London Bridge is falling down)

Who will fight the fierce dragon,

Fierce dragon, fierce dragon.

Who will fight the fierce dragon?

We need a knight!


Quick, he’s breathing lots of fire,

Lots of fire, lots of fire.

Quick, he’s breathing lots of fire,

We need a knight!


Don’t forget your sword and shield,

Sword and shield, sword and shield.

Don’t forget your sword and shield.

Get them quickly!


Hooray! Now the dragon’s gone!

Dragon’s gone, dragon’s gone!

Hooray! Now the dragon’s gone!

What a brave knight!


Our story this week will be: The Little Dragon by Heather Amery

The Little Dragon - 9780746057223


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Listen to the poem "The Pet" by Tony Bradman and the children will be encouraged to repeat words and phrases from the poem.
  • Counting Dragons - Children to practise reciting the numbers 1-5 or 1-10
  • Comparing pictures of mythical dragons and pictures of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and fish. Are the animals the same or different to the dragons?
  • Castle weaving - weaving ribbons and fabrics onto a hoop.
  • Beginning to practise writing patterns - drawing circles. 
  • Drawing dragons with fearsome features.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them practise putting on their own coats and begin to fasten them. 
  • Recite numbers in order 1 to 5 
  • Practise drawing circles. 
  • Look at pictures of dragons on the internet and compare with pictures of other animals. Are the animals the same or different to the dragons? 

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 7/01/20

Topic: Do Dragon's exist?

Week 1: Who lives in a castle?

Our rhyme this week will be:

I wriggle my fingers, I wriggle my toes,

I wriggle my shoulders, I wriggle my nose,

Now there is no more wriggles left in me,

I'm as still as I can be.

Our story this week will be: In the Castle by Anna Milbourne


Image result for The castle by anna milbourne


Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Dressing up as people who lived in the castle - king, queen, knight, princess, prince, servant.
  • Using 2-D shapes - squares, triangles, circles and rectangles to make a castle. 
  • Reciting numbers in order to 5 or 10 along the castle wall numberline.
  • Investigating smells and finding their favourite smell and also the Queen's perfume.
  • Building towers and castles with construction materials.
  • Make royal jewellery using gold and silver pasta on laces or pipe cleaners.

With your child at home this week you could:

  • Let them practise putting on their own coats and begin to fasten them.
  • Recite numbers in order to 5 
  • Talk about the people who live in a castle.
  • Build a castle using bricks or boxes.

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 18/11/19

Topic: How do buildings stay up?

Week 3: This is the house that Jack built

Our song this week will be: Christmas Play songs

Our stories this week will be: Spot the bird on the building site.

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  •  Drawing lots of different style homes on a street.
  • Playing with characters on a building site in a group and using the appropriate language to talk to each other.
  • Investigate the best materials to make  a roof for a Lego house.
  • Building towers with the correct number of cubes.
  • Tapping nails into cork.
  • Role play on the building site.
  • Listening to stories and rhymes. 
  • With your child at home this week you could: 
  • Talk about houses you pass on your way to Nursery. can your child name the features eg. roof, bricks, doors, windows etc.
  • Help your child describe their own home so they can share it with their friends at Nursery.

Image result for house building clipart



This week in Nursery- Week beginning 01/10/19

Topic: How much do you love me?

Week 4: People I love

Our song this week will be: All of me

Our stories this week will be: How much do you love me? and Love Monster

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Cutting and sticking tissue paper on a love heart.
  • Baking heart shaped biscuits
  • Writing a message to someone we love
  • Cutting out hearts in play dough
  • Transient art hearts
  • Making towers using cubes and matching them to numbers to 10
  • Junk modelling
  • Making a family in the dolls house


  • With your child at home this week you could: 
  • Talk about the people the children love and how we show them we love them.
  • Practise putting on our own coats.
  • Matching numbers 1-5 with the right number of objects eg. buttons, counters etc.


See the source image


This week in Nursery- Week beginning 30/9/19

Topic: How much do you love me?

Week 3: All about me

Our song this week will be: Head shoulders knees and toes

Our stories this week will be: All about me!

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Learning parts of the body 
  • Painting self portraits
  • Making I can books
  • Thinking about what our marvellous bodies can do
  • Building robots
  • Thinking about the different things we do in the day and ordering them
  • Thinking about jobs that people do
  • Role play in our hospital 
  • With your child at home this week you could: 
  • Talk about the jobs that people in your family do. 

See the source image

This week in Nursery- Week beginning 24/09/19

Topic: How much do you love me?

Week 2: Babies

Our song this week will be: Finger family song

Our stories this week will be:  There’s a House Inside My Mummy by Giles Andreae

Some of our learning opportunities this week will include:

  • Looking at objects used to look after a baby 
  • Exploring how baby toys work
  • Designing and printing a blanket for a baby
  • Looking after the babies in our role play area.
  • Washing babies
  • Matching animal babies to their parents

  • With your child at home this week you could:
  • Look at photographs of your child as a baby. Can they talk about how they changed?

See the source image