Calculation Guidelines for Children in Nursery
Children will use practical, investigative, activities through play to develop their understanding of early mathematical concepts including:
- Counting
- Number recognition
- Matching quantity to number
- More, less, same, equal amounts
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Sharing
The children will have access to the following resources and activities to support their learning:
- Number rhymes including puppets and books
- Dice games
- Comparing Numicon plates
- Small world number stories
- Construction- bricks to build towers- more, less
- Tuff tray with different materials where scoops can be used to fill and empty containers
- Sorting toys
- ICT game- more, comparing
- Role play e.g. playing shops, house garages etc which all involved number in real life situations
- Jigsaws and puzzles
- Play dough, pressing Numicon shapes in and other counting and calculating tasks.
- Beads and pasta on pipe cleaners.
- Number games such as hopscotch and what;s the time Mr Wolf etc
- Activities to match numbers to objects.
- Snack time- counting spoons of cereal into their bowl and hsaring snack equally.
- Simple marks for tallies to count actions.
- Junk modelling- how many pieces of tape do you need, 1 more etc.
- Stories involved with number
- Using fingers to count